were injured in the flames. Heart touch ing were the stories our newspapers car ried concerning that tragedy. One boy, stood terrified by a window not knowing what to do. He was on the upper story with the smoke and fire close behind him. Looking down and seeing the bodies of those who had vainly sought safety, he was confused. A ladder was quickly swung to him and he told his rescuers, in a frightened tone, “I was wondering what I would look like dead.” That’s a very sobering thought. We may not be able to think much about death now be cause of our busy and active schedules, but death is a certainty for all men. Yet as final as this ancient foe may seem, there is no need to fear death. Through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ we can look to the Saviour who gave His life for us on the cross, taking away all its horror. Because He rose again, death cannot harm us. Christ made it the “pas sage way” that leads to life in heaven, instead of eternal death in hell. This is why the Apostle Paul, under the inspira tion of the Holy Spirit, wrote, “Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the vic tory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” * Money is a terrible master, but it can be a wonderful servant. * * * SPIRITUAL A M N E S IA Frequently we read interesting news paper accounts of those who have had amnesia and as a result are unable to remember very much, if anything at all, about their past. In Blanford, England doctors were baffled over the case of a man about whom they could learn noth ing concerning his identity. Because of his sickness they had to refer to him as “Mr. ‘X ’.” One day, while the patient was reading the newspaper, he suddenly let out a shout. There was an article re porting the disappearance of one Harold Jarvis, b8 years of age. Excitedly, he declared, "That’s me.” Police were in formed and when the checking was made and found to be correct, the patient was soon home with his family and loved ones. Such incidents have a striking similarity to the personal experiences of many spiritually lost people. These in dividuals didn’t really know themselves until given the Word of God to read. As * *
the Holy Spirit deals with their hearts they see themseves for the first time as guilty, lost and undone sinners. When we take a look at ourselves for the first time, using the mirror of Scripture, only then can we see the Saviour who died for our sins, and rose again for our justification. To have amnesia and wan der about in the world is sad and tragic, but to be spiritually lost means despair not only for this life, but also for the life to come, which is eternal. This is the best possible news for all who are wandering in doubt and confusion, “The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” * * * One of the best waysto persuade others is with your ears . . . by listening to them. * * * IN T R IN SIC VALUE Antonio Stradivari, who lived in Italy over 800 years ago, is considered per haps the greatest violin maker of all times. This master craftsman labored many long hours over each violin he constructed. His instruments were bril liant in tone and power; exacting in every detail. No doubt most concert vio linists dream of owning a priceless Stra- divarius. The cost range, however, is from fifteen to sixty-five thousand dollars. It is not because of the materials that went into the violins which make them so valuable. A carpenter of that day could have used the same wood to build an in expensive piece of furniture. These pre cise instruments, however, owe their amazing intrinsic value to the genius and skill of the one who created them. It is a wonderful truth that in a like man ner the born-again Christian is made in the image and workmanship of the Lord Jesus Christ. Even as wood, apart from a craftsman, can never make itself into a violin, so no human being can, by his own effort, make himself into a child of God. It is the g ift of the Lord and comes by faith, through grace. Eter nal life is never achieved by any work on our part whatsoever. We are the direct product of the Holy Spirit’s min istry who leads us to faith in Jesus Christ. The familiar Bible verse reminds us, “For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.” • When a person thinks he has some power of his own he is kept from taking all power from Christ. 23 * *
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