have done it so often that conscience is no longer able to stir them to the proper realization of their wickedness. One of the most blessed and assured promises of Scripture is, “I f we con fess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Remember the solemn teaching of the Word of God, “He who covers his sins shall not prosper, but whosoever confesses and forsakes them shall have mercy.” * * * The Lord adds and multiplies while the devil subtracts and divides. . . . OBEDIENCE BY LOVE Entering a large boarding school, a rather hardened girl was given a list of the rules necessary for her to keep. She made it known to the other girls that she had no intention of keeping them even if she could. For the first time in her life, that evening at dinner she met a woman who really seemed in terested in her. She readily responded to the love and kindness, finding herself strangely attracted to the thoughtful person. You can imagine the once hostile girl’s feelings when she discovered that the individual was none other than the home’s superintendent. No one said any thing and perhaps even the girl herself didn’t realize it, for before she knew it she found she was keeping the stringent rules, but not because she had to. This was the amazing part of it: she did it because of her devotion to the superin tendent who had shown her love and kindness. As we draw nigh to the Lord Jesus Christ in the study of His Holy Word, we will find that we are following His desires for our lives, simply because we love Him. The little boy in Sunday school put it so fittingly when he gave the title of the hymn “Trust and Okay.” So, again the words of Samuel, speaking as the prophet of the Lord, “Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord?” h + h The best way to save LET US NOT FORGET! Twenty-four years ago, amid the de vastating blitz attacks on London during World War II, British newspapers car ried a special editorial to challenge the lower end of it shut. * * *
hearts of the people. It certainly isn’t out of place to quote again these search ing statements: We have been a pleasure loving peo ple, dishonoring God’s day, picnicing and bathing. Now the seashore is barred with warnings, “no picnics” and “no bathing.” We have preferred motor travel to church-going. Now there is a shortage and rationing of motor fuel. We have ignored the ringing of church bells calling us to worship. Now the bells cannot ring except to warn us of invasion. We have left our churches half empty when they should have been well-filled with worshippers. Now they are being reduced to rubble and ruins. We would not listen to the way of peace so now we are forced to listen to the way of war. The money we would not give to the Lord’s work is now taken from us through spiralling taxes and the high costs of living. The food for which we refused to give God thanks is now unobtainable. The service we refused to give God is now conscripted for our country. Lives we refused to live under God’s control now are under the nation’s con trol. Nights we would not spend watching unto prayer, now are spent in anxious air raid precautions. What timely words of warning. While they happened in London, the same could take place here. Our land is not invincible. The Bible declares, “Right eousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” * True faith doesn't pray for bushels of blessing while only carrying a pint measure in which to receive them. * * * The only way to understand your ene mies is to love them. * * * The devil is not far away when you are too busy to pray. The best remedy for a sick church is to put it on a missionary diet. * * * It costs toomuch to be out of the will of God. * * * It takes a big man to sympathize. A little man can criticize. 25 * *
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