everyone to see? In this way, there would have been no doubt that He was God’s Son. The world would have worshipped Him without question had this been the case. They probably were not sure that Jesus was the Son of God.” A. This was one of the ways our Lord was tempted by Satan. The devil tried to get Him to throw Himself down from the temple so that people would worship Him. The evil one knew an gels would keep Christ. He pointed out how people would worship Him for having accomplished such a daring fete. Our Saviour never succumbed to any temptation. There is no ques tion but that Jesus could have come into the world in many different ways and forms. Yet mankind, in all of its sinfulness, would still not accept Him. God knew what he was doing in send ing His Son as He did, bom of a virgin. As an example, if the Lord hadn’t performed m iracles people would have wanted to see something spectacular and yet, even when they did behold the supernatural working of the Lord, they turned their backs on Him. The whole point goes to man’s will freely given to decide as he may choose. While we are free to choose, however, we are not free to choose the consequences of our choice. The heart of man is deceitful and desperately wicked. Even if Christ had come in some other spectacular manner, He would have been turned aside by the majority of men. Sinners do not like to have themselves shown for what they really are! When one considers the various ways in which Christ’s coming was so miraculous, prophetic ally fulfilled, we praise God for His infinite knowledge, so far surpassing anything of man. Q . Montclair, Calif. — “I am confused about I John 5:16. Does this mean that when a Christian or a non-Chris tian is involved in, or responsible for, the destruction of a human life or lives (murder or manslaughter) there is a possibility of no forgiveness?” A. The first important thing to un
derstand is that this passage is not speaking of the unsaved but rather of believers. It talks of seeing our “brother.” This is a brother in the redemptive sense not just another member of the human race. The sin unto death, however, does not refer to destroying life by murder or man slaughter. This is something else en tirely. What he is telling us is that there are some cases where the heart of the believer has been so hardened against the Lord, going so strongly in opposition to the will of God, that he will no longer hear the pleading of the Spirit to repentance. As a result, God may call him home. The Bible indicates that physical death is some times the result of continuous and grievous sin. Let us be careful not to point at others, however, and say that this is the reason for their demise. This passage tells us to pray for other believers who may have fallen into sin that they will repent before it is too late. The Bible gives us some interest ing illustrations of what we have been saying, not the least of which con cerns Ananias and Sapphira. They had become obsessed with material pursuits that, while putting on a very pious front, they sought to cheat the Holy Spirit. Peter pointed out their error before they died suddenly. I Co rinthians 11:30 also speaks of those who died because they were partaking of the Lord’s supper without self- examination. This is a very sobering and important passage for every be liever to give careful and prayerful thought and consideration to. ftth Him is Wisdom and Strength 1
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A portion of this year's graduating class from Biola College pictured during Class Night Exercises. Young people are already out in service for Christ in many areas of the coun try, and others are preparing for service on the foreign mission field.
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