Q . Rialto, Calif. — “Will the anti-Christ be revealed before the Lord comes for His Church?” A. We believe not only in the pre- millennial, but also the pre-tribula- tional return of our Lord for all His saints. This means that the Church, made up of all true born-again believ ers, will be caught up to be with the Lord before the time of God’s wrath (the Tribulation) is poured out upon the earth. This is the Lord’s judg ment upon a God-hating, Christ-re- jecting world. As far as the anti- Christ being revealed prior to the Rapture we do not feel that such will occur, although we may see him begin to emerge. He will not come into full view or power until after the church is gone and the Holy Spirit is no longer restraining. Q . Tucson, Arix. — “There is an in cident in II Samuel 2U:2h which speaks of David buying a threshing floor and oxen for fifty sheckles of silver. But then it states in I Chroni cles 21:25 that the price is 600 sheckels of gold by weight. How could these two prices be reconciled? A. Both passages are correct and have to do with the event when David, con trary to the will of God, counted or numbered Israel, God brought a plague which was stopped only when David bought this threshing floor, offering a sacrifice unto the Lord. Read II Samuel 24:24 and you will see that he paid fifty sheckels for the threshing floor, the oxen and the work instru ments. In I Chronicles 21:25 we see that the 600 sheckels of gold was the payment for the entire piece of prop erty, not just the building. Q . San Bernardino, Calif. — “Is it possi ble for a man to be a two-part being before he is saved and at his conver sion become a three-part being?” A. First of all, man is both an imma terial and a material being. There are the two sides to his nature, tangible and intangible. The immaterial part is divided into soul and spirit. It is not possible, however, for a man to
be two-part before salvation, and three-part afterwards. God created Adam body, soul, and spirit. The body makes an individual world-conscious so that he is aware of his environ ment, surroundings and the like. The soul makes him self-conscious. The spirit, however, is that which makes him God-conscious. In the unsaved the spirit is dead (Eph. 2:1-3). Through redemption the spirit is quickened or made alive. This is what is meant by being born again. To be spiritually dead does not affect the physical body nor does it refer to the soul for one can still feel. It means that the in dividual is not in communion with God. When Christ comes in, the Spirit of God renews and regenerates the soul through faith in the Saviour and the body becomes the temple of the Holy Spirit. Hebrews 4:12 speaks of the division between the soul and spir it. So, saved .and unsaved both have three parts to their being. The dif ference is that the spirit of the saved man is alive and conscious to God whereas the other is separate from and dead to Him. Q . Chico, Calif. — “Where in the Bible does it tell of the beginning of the negro race?” A. It does not indicate this in any specific place. Some of the races were formed after the tower of Babel (Gen. 9 and 10). The negro race, however, is not identified with any of these na tions. Some hold to the view that the sons of Ham were the forerunners of the negro race as we know it today. No clear definition is given of this, however, for actually the sons of Ham are unidentified so far as specific na tions of the world today are con cerned. Q . Commerce City, Colo. — “Is healing in the atonement? I am thinking of bodily healing.” A. In a sense all blessings men re receive are as a result of the atone ment. Because of sin, man has been under the curse of death, eternal per dition and separation from God. Ever 28
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