since the fall, man has been dealt with on the basis of Christ. Once we trust the Lord we are passed from death unto life and spiritually are made alive and children of God. This does not mean that when we get sick we can expect or even demand healing. It is interesting to note that even those who hold this erroneous view of claiming all sickness can be healed, have died and gone on to their reward. If we can expect healing, why should they have died? Healing is in the sov ereign will of God. It is in accordance with His will that such is accom plished. The healing referred to in Isaiah 53:5 is spiritual just as the peace mentioned is spiritual. Q . Coquille, Ore. — “Is the true Sab bath day Saturday, or can we rest on any day of the week?” A. The weekly Sabbath which God or dained for the children of Israel was Saturday. This was not established for the New Testament Church, how ever, for we worship the Lord on the first day of the week. Exodus 31:17 shows that the Sabbath was a sign between the Lord and the Hebrew people. Nowhere in the New Testa ment are we told to worship on the Sabbath day. When Paul went into the synagogue it was not to worship but because this is where the Jews were congregated. He preached Christ and Him crucified to those people still living under the law. We can rest or worship on any day of the week. The primary concern is whether one has accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and worships God in spirit and in truth. Q . Los Angeles, Calif. — “I have been told that the creation spoken of in Genesis 1:26 deals with a race of men before Adam, while in Genesis 2:7 we have the account of his origination.” A. Both passages refer to the same event, which is the creation in the image of God of Adam and Eve. Lib eral theologians for many years have tried to advance the erroneous hypo thesis that different writers other
than Moses were used to write the first five books of the Bible. Each one, they say, used a distinctive name for the Lord. We believe, by such proof as our Lord’s own testimony, that Moses, under inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wrote the Pentateuch. The first chapter of Genesis gives us the general fact of God’s creation of man, while the second chapter fills in some of the important details. There is no contradiction whatsoever for the two accounts fit perfectly together. Q . West Vancouver, B.C., Can. — “Please explain Matthew 22:12 which reads, ‘And he saith unto him, Friend, how earnest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless.’” A. The setting of this wonderful and sobering statement is based in our Lord’s parable when He likened the Kingdom of Heaven to a certain king who made a marriage feast for his son. The feast represents salvation. As people were invited to the joyous celebration so we invite individuals to faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. The first people to hear the bidding did not treat it correctly but rather scoffed and even killed those who brought the message. Others were then sought out so that the feast would be full and complete. The pic ture is of Israel rejecting the salva tion brought by the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah. As the guests were scru tinized it was noted that one man didn’t have on a wedding garment. Perhaps he had ingratiated himself with the doorkeeper, or by some other means he got inside. The maker of the feast, however, could not accept him for he was not properly clothed. The man was speechless. It will take more than just mere profession in the coming day when the Saviour makes the division between those who are His own and those who are not. Be sure you have on that which is rep resented here by the wedding gar ment, even the robe of righteousness which Christ gives to everyone who comes to Him by faith. 29
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