the seventieth week of Daniel. Please note the four confederacies men tioned in these verses. The first is the ten kingdoms that will revive the Roman empire under the leadership GOD'S AUTOGRAPH I stood upon a hill one night And saw the great Creator write His autograph across the sky In lightning strokes. And there was I i stood one morning by a stream When night was fading to a dream. The fields were bright as fields may be With spring in golden mystery of buttercups. Then God came on and put His auto graph in dawn. One afternoon long years ago Where glacial tides have ebbed and flowed, I found a cliff which God had smitten, I scanned its breast where he had written To witness this magnificent Tumultuous, divine event! With some great glacier for a pen His signature for time and men. One night I stood and watched the stars; The milky way and ranging Mars, Where God in letters tipped with fire The story of His tall desire Had writ in rhyme and signed His name A stellar signature of flame. Creation's dawn was deep in night, When suddenly; "let there be light," Awakened grass, and flower, and tree, Chaotic skies, the earth, the sea; Then, to complete creation's span. In His own image, God made man, And signed His name with stroke most sure. Man is God's greatest signature! — William L. Stidger of the antichrist, the last Caesar. The second will be the king of the north; the antichrist’s great antagonist. He is mentioned in Ezekiel 38 and 39. As soon as the antichrist forms his ten-toed kingdom on the ground of
place that apostate Jews are having in the great atheistic and communistic movements of today is very signifi cant. " . . . nor the desire of women,. . . ” This means that he will be antichrist. The desire of Jewish women was that they should be the channel through which the Messiah should come. Ev ery Jewish mother entertained the hope that she would be the mother of the Son of God. The man of sin will not only be anti-God but anti- Christ. “But in his estate shall he honor the god of forces:” which depicts him as being an utter materialist. He will not believe in a personal God. In that regard he is atheistic. He will believe, however, in the kind of God that evolutionists now believe in, that is, impersonal force. He will regard himself as the highest expres sion of impersonal force and will de mand divine honors. " . . . and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honor with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.” (v. 38.) And so, like all infidels, he does have a god, after all! The book of Revela tion shows that the god he will honor is Satan, the god of this world, the Dragon, who will give him his power and his seat of authority. “ . . .And h e . . .shall divide the land for gain.” This refers to the land of Palestine, and is an indication that the antichrist will give special honor to those who meet his requirements thus making it possible to plunder and harass the Jewish remnant who will refuse allegiance to this monster. From verses 40 to 45, we have a record of the great struggle of the nations in which the king of the north, the king of the south, the sun rising kingdoms,in the east, and the antichrist in the west shall have a part and which will culminate in heaven’s intervention and the return of Christ. Please note in verse 40 that this will take place at the time of the end. The expression “time of the end” refers to the end of Gentile dominion,
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