Biola Broadcaster - 1966-08

part for spiritual things. He is sensual. Why should the Lord come running to help an individual like this? The Saviour wants to give you the gift of eternal life. In this way you will have the capacity as well as the desire to let Him have more of your life. While no one else may realize it, the Lord knows whether you are just putting on or if you are truly living for Him. Fall in love with the Saviour and He will give eternal life to your soul. tian educators: those who can speak positively about what science actually does teach, and how that true science and the Bible are never really at odds. A s a part of the instruction, as they prepare for their teacher's credentials, we offer excellent courses in science. Right now, we are working toward the erection of a second story on our overcrowded Science Building. On top of the structure, we hope to be able to put a fairly large telescope and covered dome. In this way students will have the opportunity to study thoroughly this subject under dedicat­ ed faculty members who have been trained in the field. Our Science Department does not have funds available for this project. Every penny will be needed to erect the building itself. The telescope will cost approximately $1,500.00 and the dome another thousand. We felt you would be interested in sharing this information. Perhaps the Lord will give you the vision. Think what it will mean to have godly teachers, knowledgabie in various fields of sci­ ence, who will be able to present the truths of the Lord's creation, rather than the false hypotheses of the world. Here would be a wonderful memo­ rial to a loved one, or a place where you can make a significant invest­ ment in the future of tomorrow's Christian teachers and leaders. If you would like more information, we will be happy to hear from you. Write to Biola, and let us share with you the vision of reaching im­ pressionable young lives . . . through a telescope.

through a small book of the Bible? If so, you are dead to the words of the Lord. This is why Paul wrote to young Timothy so that he would know how to differentiate between people who were saved and those who weren’t. “By their fruits ye shall know them,” the Bible reminds us. If you say you are a Christian, why is it you never seem to talk to Christ? When a person doesn’t have eternal life, there is no real concern on his

Have you ever thought of using a telescope to win someone to Christ? It goes without saying that every parent is rightly concerned about what his children learn through science classes in the public schoolroom. Many have been the letters sent to us from concerned mothers and fa­ thers. They have asked, "W hat can we do? Teachers openly present theo­ ries of evolution to our boys and girls. They generally descredit the creative handiwork of God, reasoning away truth with fanciful thoughts of un­ believing scientists." One of Biota's prime ministries to­ day is to prepare tomorrow's Chris­


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