by Dr. Walter L. Wilson
What Will God Do?
E very once in a while someone will pompously ask me, “What’s God going to do with the people in foreign lands who have never heard the Gos pel?” I always answer them with' a more important question “What’s God going to do with you?” Don’t jump to conclusions about people in such far off lands as Africa and India until you have settled your own soul’s eternal destiny. Here in our country people hear the Gospel over and over again. Yet, percentage wise, very few have ever taken the step of faith to truly receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Sav iour. In Colossians 1 :23 we read, “If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am a minister.” You see, the Bible tells us that the Gospel is preached “to every creature under heaven.” Incidentally, verse one of this same chapter reveals that the whole world has heard the message. While there are many places where preach ers have not gone, God has revealed Himself to all men (Romans 1:18-23). I saw Einstein’s theory on a black board one day but couldn’t understand a single part of it. It was so compli cated. Those who understand it, how ever, made atomic bombs. The Lord says that the Gospel has come to everyone in the world. We believe what God says. His Word is proven true! In Acts 10:34 and 35 we are told, “Peter opened his mouth and said, “Of a truth I perceive that God is no respector of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and work- eth righteousness, is accepted with him.” That simply means throughout all nations, Tibet, Afghanistan, China, Norway, Sweden, wherever and when ever you find someone who fears God and works righteousness he is ac cepted in Christ. In John 1:9 the Holy
Spirit uses the Apostle to tell us, “(Christ) was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” This may be hard for us, in our finite minds, to comprehend, and yet such things as this are not the only things I can’t understand. For instance, do you know where the color of the peahen’s eggs come from? (Pea cocks don’t lay eggs, you see.) Where does the lovely color originate ? Do you know that the pelican and other birds living around the cliffs along shore lines lay eggs which are pointed so that they can’t roll off? The pelican lays them on a flat rock to hatch. If a strong wind came along a’nd they weren't so formed, they would soon be dashed to pieces. How did the Lord know they needed to be pointed? (Ask me something easy!) In Psalm 19:2 and 3 we are given the beautiful words, “Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowl edge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.” The Zodiac is an interesting group of 12 constellations. Each one tells you something about the Saviour. The sun starts the course and goes around one month in each constella tion and ends up in the constellation of Leo, the lamb, exactly like the life of our lovely Lord. No wonder “the heav ens declare the glory of God.” The voice of heavenly bodies preach God’s message and declare His glory. Later in the Psalms we are reminded, “All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God” (98:3). Every thing God does, He does for all peo ple.” He is not willing that any should perish. God is not going to let any body excuse himself with the foolish words, “I didn’t know.” There won’t be a soul in eternity that can say the Lord neglected him. God talks to peo ple about righteousness in many kinds
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