Spring 2025 Digital Recreation Guide

This pleasant, easy-to-moderate hike takes you on a scenic 4-mile round trip journey with an elevation gain of 235 feet. The trail is entirely paved, making it accessible for hikers of all levels. Along the way, you'll enjoy views of lush greenery and tranquil surroundings. Whether you're out for a leisurely walk or just looking to get some fresh air, this is a perfect choice for a relaxed outdoor experience. The moderate elevation gain keeps the hike interesting without being overly challenging, making it ideal for casual hikers. After the hike, we will head into town for some lunch. Hike will continue rain or shine. Trip includes escort and transportation. Lunch is on your own. Please dress for the elements and bring a bottle of water. Rated a level 3 due to hill trail incline on the way back up and some bumps in the asphalt where the roots are pushing the surface up. Age: 50+ years Wed 9:30 am-3:00 pm Jun 25 #13201 Fee: $23 / RD $20 HIKING TRAILS OF WASHINGTON: DES MOINES CREEK TRAIL: LEVEL 3 Enjoy this trailloop off the back side of Green River College with potential peekaboo vies of Mt. Rainier! At 2.7 miles round-trip and minimal (250ft) elevation gain, this trail is regarded as an easier hike. Duration estimate: 1.5-2 hours. After the hike, we will head into town for some lunch. Hike will continue rain or shine. Trip includes escort and transportation. Lunch is on your own. Please dress for the elements and bring a bottle of water. Age: 50+ years Tues 9:30 am-2:30 pm Jun 17 #13200 Fee: $27 / RD $24 HIKING TRAILS OF WASHINGTON: SEWERLINE AND WEST POND LOOP: LEVEL 2

All trips involve some walking. See below for walking rating: Easy * Mostly paved, minimal walking distance Moderate ** Sometimes paved, may include stairs, moderate walking distance Difficult *** Some difficult terrain, uneven ground, stairs, incline, and/or extensive walking Travel Information Trips and info may change without notice. Check online, call the BCC at 206-988-3700 or email ParksInfo@burienwa.gov for the latest updates. No substitutions allowed. Cancellations must adhere to refund policy. Wanted: Volunteer Trip Driver Visit and experience interesting places around our local PNW for free, while making new friends with community members! Call the Burien Community Center at (206) 988-3700 for more information. Hiking rating: Level 1- paved and/or smooth trail surface Level 2- Some hills, exposed roots & rocks possible Level 3- Some difficult terrain; hills or stairs

206.988.3700 / Burienwa.gov/parks


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