King's Business - 1937-05



May, 1937

“ The Carnival o£DEATH” A new and much enlarged edition of a won-: derful book on “ The Modern Dance" by Evangelist Harry Vom Bruch. Startling disclosures and up-to-date, chal­ lenging information. Every family should have a copy. Buy and distribute a quan­ tity. Price 25c. HIS GLORIOUS APPEARING AND OTHER SERMONS. By D. B. Eastep, pastor, Bible teacher, and author. Another new book of excellent messages that will bless your soul. Price 25c. TRENDS TOWARD REVIVAL By Arthur Sengpiehl, author of “ Trends Toward Chaos." The author shares the view with others that a REVIVAL is possible even in the last days. It is well written and full of information valuable to all Chris­ tians. Price 25c. A booklet that will give much needed infor­ mation to some who are distressed about Healinfj. The author is Dr. H. O. Van Gil­ der. Price 10c. PALESTINE AND THE JEW TODAY IN THE LIGHT OP PROPHECY. By Mil- ton Lindberg, formerly of Palestine. This is a new and enlarged edition of a book of facts that will thrill the student of prophecy. It contains twenty-nine photographs and illustrations. Price 25c. ALL f iv e $1 00 BOOKS . . T j - l l Postpaid FUNDAM ENTA L TRUTH PUBLISHERS FINDLAY, OHIO H O T E L (Frances E .) W IL L A R D 536-40 SO. HOPE ST., LOS ANGELES, CAUF. Catering to Christian Trade MEN AND WOMEN North Wing—Bible Institute Reasonable Rates Write for descriptive folder DIVINE LIGHT ON DIVINE HEALING

Man’s first need is righteousness. This right­ eousness brings those who believe into fel­ lowship with God. Fellowship automatically separates us from the world; we cannot walk with the world when we are walking with God. And obedience is the grand re­ sult of righteousness, fellowship, and sepa­ ration. And everything comes by faith. I have read that when the first cable of the suspension bridge that now spans the Niagara was about to be laid, a thin thread was attached to a kite and both were sent, on a favoring wind, to the other side of the river. By means of that thread, a heavier string was pulled across, and by it a heavier one still, and then a rope, and then a tow, and then the cable, and the other parts of that mighty bridge that enables people to pass in safety, from one side to the other, over the roaring cataract beneath. Let but those who doubt or disbelieve fast­ en the tiny thread of faith that lingers in them still to the spiritual side of life, and gradually it will become stronger and stronger until it will grow into a mighty bridge that will carry them safely over the seething and hissing abyss of doubts and perplexities, unto the yonder peaceful shore.— 1,000 Evangelistic Illustrations, by Webb. ‘ God’s Honor Roll H ebrews 11 :l-22 Memory Verse: “ Them that honor me 1 will honor” (1 Sam. 2:30). Approach'. In our stories since last Easter, we have been talking about men who were God’s friends a long, long time ago. One Golden Text Illustration H ebrews 11:13 the story about Noah and how much faith he had? It must have taken real faith to build a boat in the middle of the dry land and then wait for the flood to come. But God had told Noah to prepare for a flood, and Noah believed God. Then there was the man named Abraham. He was called the friend of God. God told him that He would make of him a great nation, that his name should be great, that all who blessed him should be blessed, and that in him all of the families of the earth should be blessed. Abraham probably knew that he wouldn’t live long enough to see all of this take place, but he had faith and did what God told him to do. He left his family and his relatives and went to the far-away land about which God had told him. Abraham’s son Isaac had faith, too. Then came Isaac’s son Jacob, Joseph’s father. This family to whom God had made the promises moved to Egypt. Do you remember how they got there? Well, there they were, and it came time for Jacob to die. Did he reason w h y they were God’s friends was that when God told them certain things were going to happen, they believed God. We call this “ faith” and say that these men had “ faith in God.” L esson S t o r y : Do you remember

Second, the acceptance of the messages affects one’s confidence concerning the fu­ ture about which God has spoken (vs. 20- 22). The men and women of faith who are presented in the Book of Genesis had this confidence. God had given revelations re­ lating to the near and far future of Abra­ ham’s family, and these promised fulfill­ ments were believed without question. In this belief the men of faith passed on the revelations to their children. “ Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come.” How did Isaac know anything about things to come? God had spoken, and Isaac be­ lieved God. Jacob knew something regard­ ing the future when he blessed both the sons of Joseph. His knowledge was based on divine revelation, and although the full- fillment might be contrary to the natural order, Jacob never wavered. Finally Joseph, when he was dying, gave evidence that he, too, knew the future, for he gave command that his bones should not be left in Egypt, but should be returned to the land of his fathers. He was assured by faith that the land would be occupied eventually by God’s chosen people. Points and Problems 1. “ Things which are seen were not made of things which do appear” (Heb. 11:3). Science can deal only with that which is seen. It cannot speak any word at all about ultimate origins. Even if the false philosophy of evolutionism were proved to be true, and the stream of life were traced back to some original bit of protoplasm, no light whatever would be shed on the final problem of the beginning of things. Human reason cannot bridge the chasm between the “things which are seen” and their First Great Cause. Only “ by faith” can we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God. If man by looking at the created universe is convinced that there is a God (as he should be con­ vinced), it is not because man’s reason has given birth to this great truth, but because God has revealed Himself in the creation. It is a divine revelation, not a human dis­ covery. And like all revelation, it makes but one demand of men, namely, that we shall believe. There is no other way to ar­ rive at the truth. 2. Since it is true that “ Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Rom. 10:17), then all the heroes of faith mentioned in Hebrews 11 must have had a revelation from God. If Abel offered his better sacrifice by faith, God must have spoken to him something about the kind of sacrifice required, and Abel must have believed what God said. All these men believed, and belief is impossible without a revelation. 3. A comparison of the examples of Abel, Enoch, Noah, and Abraham will yield a great wealth of spiritual truth. Abel seems to provide the great illustration of faith producing righteousness. The case of Enoch represents faith producing fellow­ ship. Noah stands for faith producing sep­ aration from a doomed world. And certain­ ly Abraham sets forth the great example of faith producing obedience, Even the order in which they are mentioned is significant.

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