King's Business - 1937-05



May, 1937

[LIFE Thousands of Christians like yourself are finding spiritual nourishment ip The Sunday School Times. Each week it brings news ana suggestions in editorials^ articles{ and an­ swers to letters'to help in Christian living, inspiring helps in teaching the International Sunday School lessons with suggestions for all age groups. Book reviews ana news from Bible lands are distinctive features. Sample copy on request. Special offer—24 weeks only $1.00 T h e S u n d a y S c h o o l T im e s Dept. 3-E, 325 No. 13th S t Philadelphia, Pa. I EGERMEIER’S BIBLE STORY BOOK . . . . . . $2.00 \ ilG E r fp e t r » ; ■m m I ' j f / h i I r o % % \ p o lli Sbesâ

have faith to believe that God would keep His promises? Yes, he did. He called his sons to him and told them that they should be the founders of a great nation. And they wore. Next it was time for Joseph to die. His people were still in Egypt, but he knew that God would bring them again to the land of His promise and would give it to them for a place to live. God asks us to have faith in Him, too. He has made us a great, promise (John 3:16). Have we faith to believe it? Objects'. A lemon, a toy celluloid lamb or a lamb cut from cardboard, two paper hearts in which the word “ SIN” has been printed with a red pencil, a cardboard out­ line of a cross covered with red cellophane, and a square cardboard outline covered with clear cellophane. (If a lemon cannot be se­ cured, any kind of fruit will d o ). Lesson'. I brought a lamb and a lemon with me this morning to remind us of a very important Bible story. Cain and Abel, the sons 'o f Adam and Eve, came to the Lord with offerings because there was sin in their hearts, just as the word “ SIN” is printed in these two paper hearts. Object Lesson A L amb or a L emon

accepts Christ as Saviour, the blood of Christ covers his sin and makes him clean and sinless in God’s sight. Cain brought the fruit of the ground which had no blood in it. This lemon has clear juice in it, and not red blood. As I place this clear piece of cellophane over Cain’s sinful heart, the sin remains. What Cain needed to do was to accept the blood of a lamb to cover his sin, and then God would have accepted him. In Hebrews 11:4 we read: “ By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacri­ fice than Cain.” Faith is believing what God has said. We can be very sure that these two boys had been told that God said they must have the blood of a lamb if they were to be accepted, and Abel believed God, while Cain refused to believe. In sacrificing lambs in Old Testament times, the people were to look forward to the coming day when the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, was to die for our sins on the cross. I am wondering whether there are boys and girls here today who have never ac­ cepted Christ as Saviour. Be like Abel and accept the Lord Jesus, “ the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” Scriptures fo r Russians In 1927 the Soviet Government gave per­ mission for the printing and distributing of 50,000 Bibles and 50,000 New Testa­ ments in Russia. At that time, I. V. Ne- prash was asked by Christian friends to secure funds for the work of publication. He organized the “Russian Bible Fund,” and well-known Christian leaders served on the Committee. Because the Communists canceled their permission, only a part of the original pro­ gram was fulfilled. A government decree was published in 1929 for the confiscating and burning of all Scriptures throughout Russia. The unused funds of the Russian Bible Fund have been kept in a bank near New York. At a recent meeting, the Committee of the Fund commissioned its Secretary, Mr. Neprash, to personally distribute Scriptures among the Russians in Europe and to organize the distribution through other agencies. There are millions of Russians outside the borders o f Russia, and in some sections a great spiritual hunger is evident. Prayer is urgently requested for the work. No additional contributions are needed at the present time. The activities of the Russian Missionary Service, 850 E. Thompson St., Philadelphia, Pa., will continue, with Mr. Neprash assist-, ing from Europe. A free bulletin, “ The Link,” with authentic information concern­ ing the religious situation in Russia, will be mailed on request.

Beautiful gift edition of these fine stories which influence without preach­ ing. Printed on new glare free paper better adapted to children’s eyes. 200 illustrations. 645 pages. E x ce ls other s im ila r books. Order today from Western Sales Service P. O. Box 434 Berkeley, California

People have been wondering why God did not receive Cain’s offering. Our objects will tell us the reason. Abel brought a live lamb. It could be killed and could give its blood to cover his sin. We will let this red cross remind us of the blood of the lamb that Abel brought, for that lamb was a pic­ ture of the Lord Jesus, the Lamb of God, who was to die on the cross and shed His blood for sins. When I place this red cross over the word “ SIN” in Abel’s heart, you can no longer see “ SIN.” When a person « T H E V O I C E ” A Sparkling, New, Christian Novel By PAUL HUTCHENS Author of “ Romance of Fire/* “ This Way Out,” etc. “ Going Like the Wind—Thousands Being Blessed.” **The Voice” is a delightful and intriguing tale of four young people who walked in a criss-cross labyrinth of defeat and victory—and love. With tenderness and true understanding, Hutchens writes of the universal' problems of youth. Of his five published novels, “ The Voice” is considered by many to be the best, for excellency of style, for spiritual power, for character portrayal. Warm, vibrant, pulsating with a passion for lost souls, triumphant! Order today. Copies personally auto­ graphed by Mr. Hutchens. Beautifully and durably bound in cloth. Only $1.00 postpaid. You and Your Family Need This Book! G O O D NEW S BOOK ROOM , George, Iowa

Is It Nothing to Yon That over 2,000,000 Jews are gathered in New York? That the work 'among them is pitifully inadequate? That they present a wonderful field for Gospel work? That the New York Jewish Mission is striving with might and main to reach them? That your gift, however small, would help this great work ? Write NEW YORK JEWISH MISSION P. O. Box 19, Hamilton Grange Station, New York, N. Y, Subscribe to its monthly “ Jewish Missionary Magazine." $1.00 a year. Sample, ten'cents.

“ MONEY comes the nearest to OMNIPOTENCE o f anything we handle,” S. D. Gordon. ARE YOU A FAITHFUL STEWARD? For sample (free) of helpful literature on Christian Stewardship, write Field Department THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA

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