King's Business - 1937-05

Bible School rpose MUSIC INSTRUCTION Throughout the two Summer School terms, the excellent music faculty of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles will offer instruction in Sight-Singing, Hymnology, Voice, Piano, Pipe Organ, Violin, Evangelistic Piano Accompani­ ment, Trumpet, and Trombone. The high standard of music at Biola will be maintained, and full credit on regu­ lar Bible Institute study will be allowed. Pastors, students, and laymen will find the subjects most valuable as training for their particular service for Christ. FELLOWSHIP Every Christian may fellowship with his heavenly Father in prayer and Bible reading in the quietness o f his own room. But being social in nature, we long to have fellowship also with those of our fellow men who have community of interest with us in faith and life. It may be that you do not regularly have the fellowship for which your soul longs. Many of the Lord’s people have been called into fields of labor which are apart from spiritual centers, and perhaps during the greater portion of the year God is requiring you to stand alone in a hard place. Realizing that this problem is an actuality in the lives of many of our readers, we invite you to an overflowing fountain of Christian fellowship. Do you have those with whom you can draw the deep things of the Word ? We hear from so many who do not have this privilege, and who long for an understanding friend. You will be refreshed mentally and spiritually by a term spent in the Summer Bible School at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LAYMEN In planning this Summer School, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles has had specially in mind hundreds o f school teachers across the country. As a Christian school teacher^ no matter what your departmental activity, you have a keen sense of the fourfold responsibility to the youth committed

LAYMEN’S SCHEDULE OF CLASSES July, 1937 Messianic Prophecy

Paul J. Goodwin . The Book o f Acts John A. Hubbard Child Evangelism Martha S. Hooker Applied Church Music John B. Trowbridge

to your care. There are the physical, the mental, the social, and the spiritual aspects, and you realize all should ad­ vance symmetrically. Do you feel the need of help in your task? Has God laid upon your heart a sense of responsibility for spiritual awakening and advance in the lives of your pupils ? Have you seen the need, envisioned the possibilities, and deter­ mined to act ? Come and be with us this summer. We say the same to you who are Christian laymen in church and Bible school work across our land. Let this be a vacation with a purpose—a vaca­ tion and season o f spiritual feasting —a well-balanced menu of play and work. All the Institute’s 'facilities are at your disposal— classrooms, dormi­ tory, dining room, library, and Music School. ■ Reader, if you have in mind a friend who would be benefited by attendance at our Summer School, and whom we might interest in these classes, please forward the name and address on a postal card to The Biola Summer Bible School, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif., and we will gladly send a catalogue. AUGUST CLASS SCHEDULE In the June number o f T h e K ing ’ s B u s in e s s , the- second term (August) schedule o f classes will be published. Watch fo r it!

\ R G O S Y

T sy Biola BOR , California OT i Our Salvation GERS the household of God” SE ers of the Word s of His Fellowship ters of New Blessings

h, com e y e to th e w a ters.”

THE B IOLA SUMM ER BIBLE S C H O O L The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California Gentlemen: I am interested in attending the Biola.............................. during the month of. . .. Please send - mo-a - copy of catalogue.

I Q Pastors' School ! □ Laymen's School □ Students' School □ July □ August your-Summer School

astor who has been a student both the historical and the ny years. He has accepted Guest Professor in the Biola ithe month of Ju ly .

Name | Address

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