King's Business - 1937-05

May, 1937




“ You couldn’t get Marge or Enid to "go to bed without reading their Bibles,” he told me. “Why, they’d stay up all night, rather’n do that!” Their mother confirmed the boy’s opinion. “ Yes, that’s true,” she said. “ For six years, those girls have not once missed their daily devotions. They started the practice in the Junior Christian Endeavor Society, you re­ member.” There had been no compulsion about their reading. Love for the Christ of the Book had led to faithfulness in communion with Him through its pages. A little en­ couragement from mature Christians would lead many more boys and girls to estab­ lish habits of daily fellowship that will hold them true through the unsettled adoles­ cent years. In the third place, we must hold before Christian boys and girls the vision of the harvest field of the world— “white already to harvest.” We must impress upon their minds the picture of millions of souls, per­ ishing without Christ. Not every young be­ liever is chosen of the Lord for Work on some foreign field, but it is His will that every one of them should be missionary- hearted, stirred with desire to make Christ known among those in heathen darkness. Finally, we must train regenerated boys and girls for Christian service and leader­ ship. In the familiar verse, “ Train up a child in the way he should go: and wh'en he is old, he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6), there is a greater depth of meaning than most adult Christians grasp. Not mere discipline is meant (the necessary, though negative, side of the question), but also positive, practical training—the fitting of the child, so far as it is humanly possible thus to equip him, for a life work of wit­ nessing for the Lord Jesus Christ. For illustration, we might point to one church alone, from which forty members have gone into the ministry or to the mis­ sion field. While these young people were growing up, they were given worth-while tasks in the local church. They were not asked to satisfy themselves with merely keeping the church’s machinery in action in “church work.” These young people were given definite spiritual responsibilities that led them into a deeper knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. They found that a place had been made for them at the week­ ly prayer meetings. They received training as officers of classes and as leaders of other groups. Is it any wonder that with a back­ ground of this kind, each of the forty went on to a Bible Institute or seminary, and thence to the field of Christian leadership to which the Lord appointed them? The great majority of Christian leaders are drawn from those who in their child­ hood were led to see their need of a Saviour. Under the guidance of consecrated parents and Christian workers, their youth has been a time of growth in the knowledge of the Lord. And now their love for Him gives them a message that must be told to others. A harvest of souls both now and in the future will reward the Lord’s servants who catch His vision concerning the boys and girls. Do you see them as He sees them?

Vacation Bible School Needs New enthusiasm and lasting results by using our new materials. ___ Outline Studies: Maps. Send today for new Dietz Catalog, free. WILLIAM H. DIETZ 10 South Wabash Ave. Dept. 18 Chicago, Illinois Courses: Manuals; All kinds Hand­ work; A tte n d a n c e Systems; Re­ wards; M em ory H e lp s; D rills; C horuses; Certificates; Posters;

Our mission offers a convenient channel for the discharge o f your obligations to our Lord’s brethren. Write Tor information. JEWISH DEPARTMENT, THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INCORPORATED Rev. James A. Vaus— Director 558 South Hope Street Lcs Angeles, Calif. 28 Years continuous service for Israel APERPETUALMINISTRY

With Face Cartoon Posters. 85 per cent >f our knowledge -*omes through the eye gate. These unique car­ toons preach the G ospel 24 hours daily. Place them In •indows, churches, bulletin boards, and in m any oth er The set of 52 has one for each week of the year w ith s p e c ia l on es for Easter and Christ­ mas. 52 posters w ith display frame 18% in. by 20% in. fo rm e r ly $9.00; now on ly $5.20.

“ OBJECTALKS” Twenty bright talks to boys and girls^ illustrated by familiar objects. “ TALKS ON TEXTS” Twenty children's sermons. Illuminated by fascinating illustrations. “ PAPER TEARING TALKS” Fifteen gospel talks. Paper is folded then torn and the object is unfolded. Interest­ ing to old and young. Full directions. One Pastor writes: “ Your talks are the best I have ever used or have been able to find." Each Set $1.00 All Three $2.00 55 talks—A whole year with the Children —Over 47,000 in use. HADDON SERVICE Box 164-B Fairfield, Conn.

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Set without display frame $4.00. Order now. GOSPEL TRUTH POSTER SERVICE, P. 0. Box 388K, Findlay, Ohio Free" One Minute After Death" SCRIPTURAL. OR, with 19 others, including book­ lets, 30c. These proclaim BIBLE facts as to the Rich, Suicide, Abortion, Divorce, Lodges, Lust, Birth Con­ trol, Bridge, Self Abuse, Tight-Wads, Face Make­ up, illustrated; etc. BUT a $1 BILL brings 100 Titles. Is your SOUL worth $1? Scriptural League. K.B., Youngstown, O. (SmitiunionWareofQuality aUMiMjM»p E Ö r V iltV tO PIATI Iméiviâumt / Ct**** FINEftT W m k m . sm . Lowest P rices. Sena fo r Illustrated Catalog INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE CO. Room 3 56 1701"1703 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.Ra JUST OFF THE PRESS! “ THE OLD RUGGED CROSS SONG SPECIALS." A New 32-Page Solo & Duet Book, by Rev. George Ben- nard, Author of “ The Old Rugged Cross." All special singers should have these beautiful New Numbers. 40c per copy, or two for 75c. Send 50c and receive an auto­ graphed copy bound in lovely Blue Frostel; two for 90c. BENNARD MUSIC COMPANY, Albion, Michigan |Save Money by Getting Catalogue! Scofield Reference Bibles All Styles and Prices Wonderful Notes and Helps Send for Catalogue KB J. W , McCARRELL 11142 Wisconsin Ave., Oak Park, PIANO INSTRUCTION Would you like to be able to play the Piano? No previous knowledge of music required. Full instructions given which can be easily followed. I guarantee you can play a tune in one eve­ ning by using my EASY VAMP METHOD. Send $1.00 bill to W. EDGAR 5719 W . Huron St. Chicago, 111.


"ace life’s sunset

YOU FACE OLD AGE WITHOUT FEAR WHEN YOU ARE PROTECTED BY ANNU I T Y AGREEMENTS of the AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY The annuity plan of the American Bible Society means . . . Security in Old Age . . . Freedom from Worry . . . a Steady Income . . . Permanent Satisfaction. For nearly ninety years the Society’s checks have brought security in spite of disturbing world conditions. A check semi-annually would mean much to you! In addition you have the satisfaction of sharing in the work of making the Bible more widely available throughout the world. The booklet. "A G ift That Lives*9, explains the plan. j l i l d i i i i m l f f i y MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY | AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, Bible H om e, N.Y. I Pleas, send me, without obligation, your | booklet K 'B 62 entitled “ A Gift That Lima.”

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