King's Business - 1937-05

May, 1937



CHILDREN OF POLAND— FOR CHRIST [ Continued from page 167]

give? Let the testimonies of a few boys and girls give the answer. “We went to school together,” wrote Esther and Pearl, each sixteen years of age. “We were always like two in one. Some girls near our homes told us about the pos­ sibility of going out to Radosc, so one Saturday we went to the mission. We were almost afraid to enter the place. We sat at the door, ready to leave at any moment. We laughed when Miss Christoffersen prayed with her eyes closed, yet we took the Bible verses, learned them, were regis­ tered^ and came out to Radosc. We were soon convinced of the truth. Later, under the teaching of the Word, we were born GOSPEL S INGERS ! Have yo u seen th e new GOSPEL MU SIC M A G A Z IN E ? Edited by Phil Kerr (noted composer of “ In- Love with the Lover of my Soul” and many other well- known songs). Published twice a month. Contains new songs,—solos, quartets, revival cho­ ruses, etc..—articles on various phases of gospel mu­ sic. and other features of interest to all lovers of sacred music. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One dollar for six months (12 issues). Two dollars for 15 months (30 issues). Send 15 cents in coin for sample copy. GOSPEL MUSIC MAGAZINE P.0. Box 2122 Houston, Texas Organization Funds Nay Be Had Quickly There's no surer» easier» more pleas* ant way to raise money for church or club than with the aid of our co* operative selling plan. Nearly all women know the fine qualities of Gottschalk's Metal Sponge. They ve usedit foryears... wouldn't be with­ out it . . . and will buy glad­ ly from you. O ver 50,000 organizations have profited from our plan. W r i t e f o r p a rticu la rs. METAL SP0N6E SALES CORP., Phlla., Pa. Gottschalk's METAL SPONGE What Lies Ahead? JUST OFF TBJS PRESS The present booklet is one of the best, and reveals a most thorough and painstaking study of unfulfilled prophecies. The chart enclosed is not just another chart, but clearly reveals God’s order in fulfilling His word. It gives a diagram­ matic view o f all that lies ahead. The title will appeal to all who are in the least interested in “ THINGS JTO COME.” The booklet is written along quite different lines than are usually seen in print, and gives new and unusual treatments of scripture prophecies. It is forceful and sets forth truths, new and old. The notes are interesting and elucidate many Scriptures little understood. God’s program for the ages is strikingly shown. Scripture texts are used profusely—rightly divided—which can­ not be disputed. PRICE 35 CENTS; 3 COPIES $1.00 Austin F. Page 3139 Main Kansas City, Mo.

WHitney 4000

BURTON O. ALFRED REALTOR Sales — Rentals — Exchange 310 No. La Brea (at Beverly), Los Angeles RaiseMoney ForYour Class Sell “ ADPENCO” School Name Pencils. Hundreds of Teachers have profited by this easy means of raising funds. SPECIAL OFFER, 144 high quality regular five-cent pen­ cils, each equipped with gilt tip and red rubber eraser imprinted with your School Name for $2.80 postpaid. You sell for $7.20. Your profit $4.40. Send name of Church or Sunday School today with money order for sample gross. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ADVERTISING PENCIL CO. Walbrook 51 Baltimore, Maryland

required to sign a statement giving con­ sent to their children’s going. The boys and girls themselves agree to obey every rule made by us, so as to secure a happy, orderly life for the “family” of from forty to forty-five children, besides the workers. All expenses—for transportation, board, and sometimes even clothes for each child—are met through faith in a living God who has never failed us. The cost , of keeping a child at Radosc is between twenty and twenty-five cents a day; We arrange to keep each one for two weeks, and those who we feel are spiritual­ ly awakened, we invite to ’ stay for four weeks. There is always a long waiting list. We see a marked change in the chil­ dren at least by the last week of their at­ tendance, and at our final service with them, they all testify to the fact that they know the way of life. From that moment, they are objects of special prayer and are visited regularly. They come to the mis­ sion to learn more. Although some are convinced of the truth out at Radosc, the new life and decision for Christ usually come later, as the Word is taught more fully. A D ay with the C hildren A report of one day spent at Villa Bethel will give a conception of our work with the children and of our life among them. The first bell rings at 6:00 A. M.— and every one must rise. After the children have washed and dressed, they all gather on the front porch for singing, learning a new song each day. Devotions are at seven o’clock and breakfast at 7 :30. After learn­ ing their Bible verses, the boys and girls are free to play. Swings, see-saws, balls, and other equipment are provided. At 11:30, dinner is ready. We serve meat, with potatoes and other vegetables, three times a week; the other days we give them soup, potatoes and other vegetables, and salad. Appetites are amazing, and thin lit­ tle bodies begin to grow strong. Shortly after dinner, two by two, the, children start out for their walk in the woods, which is a veritable paradise for them. They sing as they go, and in the woods they play and gather berries. As many of the workers as can free themselves from other duties go with the children, for this contact affords rich opportunities to answer questions and to do personal work. A lit­ tle lunch is served in the garden at four o’clock in the afternoon, and then the children are divided into groups and the Bible lesson is given. The evening meal is announced at six. Later, the whole' “ fam­ ily”—workers, children, guests, neighbors, and. all others who care to attend—gather for the evening service, which is the crowning blessing of the day. After the closing prayers, every one is supposed to go quietly to his bed and do no more talk­ ing. At nine o’clock, the whole' house is at rest and the watch dog let loose. The day is over! T estimonies from B elieving C hildren What results has it pleased the Lord to

CHRISTIAN GREETING CARDS For Sale or for ■ Personal Use Comforting, encouraging messages of cheer to the sick and sorrowing, birthday, etc., many with Bible Texts—in great variety of artistic settings— the type of Greetings Christian people are looking far. Cards that are different—not found in stores—Boxed and Unboxed—good profit—No investment necessary. Catalog and Sales Plans on request. PEASE GREETING CARDS, Inc. 260 Laurel St. Dept K. Buffalo, N. Y.

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