King's Business - 1937-05

May, 1937



hearse again and again, with the utmost patience, the principles that God has laid down. Never say, when a child is unruly, “ Oh, I don’t know whether Johnnie is saved or not.” He is a saved child if he has come God’s way, according to God’s Word, but he may need endless teaching and correction. Made victims of the shallow, superficial, fly-by-night teaching of many well-meaning workers among children, scores of boys and girls, when faced with temptation or sin, have become as distressed as Walter was. Some of them never find an understanding heart, as he did, that will appreciate the problem and apply the Word—and those who do not find such aid are usually the ones who in adult life scoff at the sugges­ tion of child evangelism and declare the plan impractical. Faithfully followed, God’s plan is practical: “ Faith cometh by hear­ ing, and hearing by the word of God" (Rom. 10:17). Walter left the classroom after a half- hour’s talk with his teacher, his face aglow with new joy. Since that epochal morning, more than two years have passed. During all of that time, Walter has given a clear, consistent testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ. It has been an inspiration to see him “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” In his leadership of the enthusiastic group that idolizes him, he often prefaces class dis­ cussion with such an invitation as this: “ Everybody take part now—and be sure to back up your statements with the Word. If it’s in the Book, you win I” # This great work contains 234 beautifully written stories, over 200 pictures, and 17 full- page reproductions of famous paintings. A book for the entire family • • . Attractively bound in blue cloth .....................................$2.00 BIBLE ALPHABETS AND M EMORY W O R K Compiled by Alan S. Pearce. Very helpful...................................................$ .25 STANDARD BIBLE STORY READERS A charming series of six graded Bible read­ ers for children in home, school and church. By Lillie A. Paris. Book One—First Grade............................,.$ .80 Book Two—Second Grade..................................00 Book Three—Third Grade..................................00 Book Four—Fourth Grade................................05 Book Five—Fifth Grade.................................. 1.00 Book Six— Sixth Grade.................................. 1.00 HEROES OF THE CRO SS Set of S volumes—Each covers stories of three missionaries. Pleasingly written, attrac­ tively bound. Per set.......... ..... ................... $4.00

every Christian home in our communities, there are unevangelized, children. Every­ where they are crowding the schools, streets, and picture shows, with no thought of Christ and eternity. Let us bring the boys and girls face to face with the Saviour be­ fore their hearts become more hardened and their yielding to Him becomes many times mQre difficult. Christ longs to make them His own now. “ THAT’ S NOT ENOUGH FOR ME” [Continued from page 165] evangelism, shall ignorance and neglect pass uncondemned? L ight —O r D arkness ? The times of spiritual darkness that many a young convert knows, periods that are sometimes brief in their duration and some­ times extend into wasted years—are sadly unnecessary, for there is light in the Word, all the light that any one needs, at any time: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psa. 119:105). The Christian worker will not be held guilt­ less who fails to see in another the need of that divine illumination, and who hesitates to spring forward quickly with a “ lamp.” G ive the Word. Present it intelligently, prayerfully, trustfully. It does not require to be learnedly expounded. The Holy Spirit will make the teaching plain. G ive the Word repeatedly. Especially in the case of little children, be ready to re­ # Any boy will profit by reading this book. It is brimful o f sparkling deeds which will inspire the boy to greater achievements. By Elsie E g erm eier...................................$1.00 G IRL 'S STORIES OF GREAT W O M EN These stories put within a girl a desire to make her life, even while she is yet young, a blessing and help to those around her. By Elsie E g e rm e ie r...................................$1.00 OBJECT LESSONS OBJECTS THAT TALK AND TEACH—52 lessons prepared by Louis T. Talbot.......... $ .75 EASY OBJECTS, and the companion vol­ ume, TALKING OBJECTS . . . By Elmer L. Wilder i • . These talks to boys and girls ap­ peared originally in the Sunday-school lessons in THE KING'S BUSINESS. Each series o f 62 lessons. ....................... $1.00 FIRST STEPS FORLITTLE FEET IN GOSPEL PATHS —Charles Foster— A carefully prepared work to give little children their first Bible lessons. Ideal for a child of 6 or 6 years. Illustrated...............$1.65

CHILDREN AT THE ALTAR OF DECISION [Continued from page 167] children rush forward, laughing and whis­ pering and signing cards, without the slightest evidence of conviction or change of heart (after a single talk about candles, and shining for Jesus), and I was surprised afterwards to know that these boys and girls were counted by the evangelist as among the converts of the meetings. The invitation must be forceful, personal, un­ confused, so that the boy or girl who re­ sponds to it will realize clearly the deep spiritual significance of his act. Fourth, place the Word of God (a Testa­ ment, Gospel, or other portion) in the hand of each person who signifies a desire to become a Christian. If possible, give also some simple printed aid to Bible study. Urge the believer to record the date of his acceptance of Christ; it is a good plan to mark the date opposite the scripture, on which the individual’s faith was made to rest. Keep a record of the person’s name, age, street address, and church preference, for follow-up work, and then use this in­ formation. Too many young converts are never visited, encouraged, or otherwise helped in the Christian life. Neglect of boys and girls at this time of special need may hinder greatly their development in fruitfulness. Around every church where evangelistic services are held, in the vicinity of every Sunday-school, yes, in the neighborhood of # Vital* fresh, with an irresistible appeal to the hearts o f all children, these new volumes are a work that every family will treasure. Volume I—Adam to the Kings Volume II—The Kings to the Rebuilding of Jerusalem Volume i n —The New Testament Per volume .............. ....¿ ... ........$ 2 .0 0 AUNT CHARLOTTE'S STORIES OF BIBLE HISTORY —Charlotte M. Yonee— Designed for the 52 Sundays in the year, this book contains over 100 stories from the Word o f God.......................................... ....... *1.»0 CH A LK TALKS EVANGELISTIC CHALK TALKS— 13 blackboard drawings with accompanying dis­ cussion. By Frank A . Miller............ ..,..$ *25 FIFTY CHALK TALK PROGRAMS—Sim­ ple sketches and lessons covering a wide range of children's problems. By William A. Bix- ler ......................................................50 SPECIAL BIBLE Ideal for children . . . Clear type, self-pro­ nouncing, illustrated, red-under-gold edges, imitation leather . . . Size 4)4 by 6)4 inches. Our price ............ .................... ..«.$1.50


B I O L A B O O K R O O M . .HEtDQ.UA? ^ , 560 South Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Llteratur*—*-----------

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