

BOURGET Le Club Disons-Non de Bourget offre un programme gratuit de sensibilisation aux drogues avec activités amusantes pour les jeunes. Les enfants des 4, 5 et 6e années de Bourget et les environs sont invités à venir s'inscrire, à 18h30, le 16 janvier, à l’école Sacré-Cœur. Renseignements : Chelsey à au 613- 913-5599. ROCKLAND Le Bureau de Santé de l’est de l’Ontario organise un club de marche : En Avant, Marche! Il s’agit d’un programme commu- nautaire gratuit qui invite la communauté a bénéficié des avantages de la marche durant la saison froide. Les gens peuvent se rendre, tous les mardis, de 18 h à 20 h, à l’École secondaire catholique L’Escale de Rockland pour participer. Renseignements : 1 800 267-7120 ou 613 446-7679. Le Club Amicale Belle Rive organise un Whist militaire, le 19 janvier, aux Jardins Belle Rive à 13h. Renseignements : Rolland aux 613 446-0415. Une soirée de danse folk- lorique aura lieu, le 26 janvier, à 15 h aux Jar- dins Belle Rive. Un souper sera servi. Info : Laurent au 613 488-2620. WENDOVER Les Chevaliers de Colomb de Wendover organisent un whist militaire, le 26 janvier, au centre communautaire Lucien Delorme, à 19 h 30. Un goûter sera servi. Réservation avant le 20 janvier. Renseignements Michel au 613 673-1823. Agenda communautaire ROCKLAND Walk for Memories, to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer Syndrome research and care, Jan. 26, 9 a.m. registration, from the Canadian International Hockey Acade- my. For more information go to www.walk- or phone toll-free to Sherry Davis at 1-888-222-1445 or to local coordi- nators Nicole at 446-5584 or Françoise at 446-4023. La Friperie de Rockland at 2815 Cham- berland Street has a half-price sale on all winter clothing at the thrift store during the month of January. New clothing additions every week. The thrift store is open Thurs- day and Friday, 1 to 4 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. All proceeds go to the Rock- land Food Bank. The Rockland Family Centre offers free programs for children, from newborns to age 6, with their parents such as Learn Through Play on a weekly basis and also one Saturday each month. Other programs include Watch Me Grow, the Family Math evening program, Infant Massage, Munch- kin In Preschool, plus seasonal activities. For information and registration phone Lynne or Nathalie at 446-4220 or email mai- The calendar is at L’Artisinat Sainte-Trinité de Rockland host a card games evening Jan. 19, 7 p.m., in the Bernard Lapointe in the basement of St. Trinity Church on Laurier Street. Cost $8. Community Calendar

Rockland duo earn Diamond Jubilee awards


Ottawa | Two more names from the City of Clarence-Rockland were added to the list nominees awarded Queen’s Diamond Ju- bilee Medals. Louise Amyot Laviolette and Clancy Bar- rett, both employed with Statistics Canada, received their Jubilee medals fromWayne R. Smith, the Chief Statistician of Canada, dur- ing a December ceremony on Parliament Hill held to present the medals to 88 mem- bers of the Statistics Canada department. Laviolette received her medal in recog- nition of her management of Statistic’s Canada awards and recognition program, including planning and coordinating the annual departmental merit and long-term service events for several years, along with

serving as both mentor and advisor to many StatsCan employees. “Louise is the person behind the scene that makes us all look good,” stated Smith. Barrett’s medal nomination, Smith noted, recognizes his “vast knowledge of interna- tional trade and for his significant contribu- tion, over many years, to the International Merchandise Trade Program at Statistics Canada.” The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal was

struck to commemorate the 60th anniversa- ry of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. Several thousand of the medals were distributed throughout Canada to present to individu- als, working at all levels of government, the private sector, and in the general public to recognize their contributions to Canada’s arts, cultures, science, education, commu- nity service, and other activities that benefit both their areas, the country at large, and the world.

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