West Fork Ranch - 20th Annual Bull Sale [3/22/25]


20 th Annual Bull Sale Saturday, March 22, 2025 1:30 PM - Live Auction begins Charolais and Red Angus Bulls and Heifers Sell

Cattlemen, Welcome to the 20th Annual West Fork Ranch Bull Sale. My how time goes by. It is hard to believe that it was 36 years ago that my Dad, Henry, started our Charolais herd. Then a few years later he saw the benefit of adding the Red Angus. Since then the focus has always been on breeding functional cattle who have strong maternal traits to keep the herd going but will also perform on the rail. And what a great time to be in the cattle business. We are finally getting some rewards for all of the challenges we’ve faced. I am kind of like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, there is still no place I’d rather be. This year we will again be having a live auction. For your convenience, if you can’t make the sale you can still watch the sale and bid online . . . although we would love to see you on sale day. (See Sale Day Procedure) You will also be able to view videos of all the bulls ahead of the sale day on DV Auction. Or go to our website for more pictures and the videos. www.westforkranch.com I am really pleased with the bulls this year. They are honestly the best set ever. The dry conditions at the end of summer hurt some of the weaning weights but they made it up fast after weaning. People have asked me about our birth weights and how we weigh them. We have a digital scale on the back of a 4-wheeler that weighs them to the pound. As the quality of the herd has increased, we have more replacements than the guys here will allow me to keep. So here’s a great opportunity to get a part of years of our breeding program and put them to work in your herd. This year it was more difficult to pick the ones to keep and those to offer for sale. There are also several show heifer prospects included in this year's offering. They are all registered but will also make great commercial cows. (See heifer section for more information) If you need more information or you would like to view the bulls prior to the sale, please give me a call. Scheduling a time to look at the bulls allows me to better serve you. I would be happy to visit with you and offer help in choosing the bull(s) that will fit your program. If I can be of assistance, please call my cell phone at 308-750-8708.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, March 22. We will have supplement sheets and catalogs at the barn when you come to look at the bulls on sale day. We will have the heat going if need be, to come in and get warmed up, have some coffee and a cinnamon roll and look over your catalog. Then head to

the Community Center for lunch and the sale. Thank you for your interest in our program, Rosie Roseann Wilson e-mail: rosie@westforkranch.com 308-750-8708 Facebook: West Fork Ranch

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