West Fork Ranch - 20th Annual Bull Sale [3/22/25]

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The Auctioneer will settle any bidding disputes and his decision on such matters will be final. All sales are cash in U.S. funds unless prior arrangements have been made with the sellers. Any announcements made on sale day take precedence over printed material. Each animal becomes the risk of the Buyer as soon as sold. Anyone attending this sale attends at his/her own risk. The seller and sales management assume no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents occurring in, on, or about the premises. BULL DATA: Supplement sheets will be available on sale day that will include scrotal measurements and yearling weights. DELIVERY: Bulls purchased on March 22 will be delivered within 3 weeks free of charge up to 200 miles. If you are not ready to receive your animals when we plan to deliver to your area, feeding arrangements are available for a charge of $5 per day per animal. DIRECTIONS: Bulls on display at the ranch, located ½ mile south of Loup City on Hwy. 10, west side of the road. Physical Address: 78939 Hwy. 10, Loup City, NE Auction will be held at the Loup City Community Building, with bull videos played during the sale. LODGING: The Frederick Hotel, 8th & “O” Street: 308-745-1241 Conveniently located across the street from the Community Center


308-440-2918 308-539-6195

Randy Rasby


Livestock Plus Spencer Shifflet 402-760-0678 Cattle Business Weekly Roseann Wilson 308-750-8708 Jarod Wilson 308-750-8710


SALE DAY PROCEDURE: The bulls will be penned for you to evaluate at the ranch south of Loup City. Don’t follow your GPS, you may end up in the hay field. Go south on Hwy 10 out of Loup City about ½ mile. Look for the West Fork sign on the west side of the road. After evaluating the bulls, head to the Loup City Community Center. Take Hwy 10 back to town. When you come to the stop sign, continue straight down “O” or Main Street, the Community Center is on your right. It is 1 mile and about a 3 minute drive. We will be serving a lunch meal and will start the auction promptly at 1:30 pm. The bulls will be displayed on big-screen TVs during the live auction. If you cannot make the sale you can watch it live and bid online on DVAuction.com. If you would like to be on the phone with someone to bid please contact us or one of the sale representatives ahead of sale day. BULL BREEDING GUARANTEE: All of the bulls have passed a breeding soundness exam prior to the sale. We will provide the first breeding season (the 90-day period immediately following turn out) guarantee on all bulls if the bulls are managed properly. This is not an insurance or mortality policy, but a guarantee on functional fertility. Part of being maintained properly means being on a plan of nutrition where bulls maintain or gain weight. Buyer assumes all risks for injury due to running bulls together or management decisions outside genetic control. For the guarantee to apply, we ask that you contact us as soon as a condition is observed and before the animal is sold. Our guarantee will require that the bull weigh the same or more than he did when we performed the breeding soundness exam. We will attempt to provide a suitable replacement or sale credit for a future sale.

Bulls will be displayed, ½ mile south of Loup City on Hwy. 10, west side of the road.



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