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T H E K IN G ’S B U S IN E S S MOTTO: " l,the Lord, do keep it, / w ill water it every moment, lest any hurt it, / w ill keep it night and day. = = = = = ' ' " " t ■ "■■.'■¿vu, 1 '= Isa. 27:3 — ..........” ■ ■■ ' ' -■■»■■ =•-"■■ -.'.-u PUBL ISH ED M O N TH LY BY T H E BIBLE IN S T IT U T E OF LOS ANGELES 536-558 SO U TH H O PE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CAL. Entered as Second-Class Matter November 17, 1910. at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California under tbe A ct of March 3, 1879 Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917 authorized October 1, 1918. - Volume XII April, 1921 . Number 4 Furnish us names and addresses of worthy missionaries or Christian workers who would enjoy The King’s Business, and we will send the maga zine to them free. C O N T E N T S Editorials: Christ is Risen (309), The Blood Belief (310), Looking for the Missing Link (312), A Manly Methodist (313), Co- Religionists (314), Pray for the Y. M. C. A. (315), God’s Amen , (315), Rationalists and Resurrection (316). Sentence Sermons. (318) A Risen Savior’s Challenge—-By C. H. McIntosh (3 liT) Myths and Moths—By Dr. A. C. Dixon (323) Things That Cannot Be Shaken—By Dr. Cortland Myers (327) Life and Immortality (332)' Bible-Institute Happenings (333) Bible Institute in Hunan, China (335) Evangelistic Stories (338) Thoughts for Unsaved People (349.) Sunday School Lessons (350) Daily Devotional Readings^—Dr. F. W. F a rr (387) Editorial Afterthoughts—By K. L. B. (394) Good Books (396) Helps Fo r Young Students (399) PLEASE When sending subscriptions, address correspondence to OfBoo of The King’s Business, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, U I-H I Sooth Hope Street. Checks may be made payable to tnstltuto of Los Angeles. Do not make checks or money orders to Individuals connected with the Bible Institute. O N L Y O N E D O L L A R A . Y E A R FOREIGN COUNTRIES, INCLUDING CANADA $1.24 - SINGLE COPIES 15 CENTS Rev. T . C . H O R T O N , Editor in Chief Rev. KEITH L. BROOKS, Managing Editor I A LA N S. PEARCE, AcN. Manager Contributing Editors DR. F. W . FARR DR. FRENCH E. OLIVER REV. WM . H. PIKE DR. A . C . D IXON
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“C hrist J Risen!”
“Low in the grave He lay—Jesus, my Saviour! Waiting the coming day—Jesus, my Lord! Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triumph o’e r His foes; He arose a Victor from the dark domain, And He lives forever, with His saints to reign; He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!
Only three words! What a message they bring! What a strange, sad story concerning Jesus Christ had it ended with the tomb of Joseph! He had lived such a wonderful life, wrought such wonderful deeds, set such a wonderful example, and now—a tomb ! What a heavy cloud would have settled over the earth ! There could be no place for a song, for joy, for anticipation, at a closed sepulchre. But,—the stone is rolled away ! The tomb is empty ! *‘He is risen indeed!” Go, tell the disciples! Go, tell the world! The Supernatural Man has manifested His supernatural power and has burst the bars of death and the glory of Heaven has lightened the gloom of the sepulchre! He told them He must die. He told them He must rise the third day, and He told them He would come again. “ Ring the bells of Heaven—there is joy today!” , 7 The women were at His feet. Two disciples had Him in their home, and His hands—raised in blessing—revealed the nail prints. He showed His hands and His feet in the upper room to the apostles. He called the fishermen from the shore when He had built the fire and prepared the meal for them. He is the same Jesus,—loving His friends, longing for their fellowship. When He ascended from the mountain He lifted those pierced hands in blessing and through the wounds Heaven’s light fell upon the five hun dred witnesses and two men in white told them that this same Jesus should so come in like manner as they saw Him go away into Heaven. Stephen saw TTim at the right hand of the glory, and John describes Him as He was revealed to him at Patmos. And we are to see Him and be like ¡Him. We stop here. The human mind has reached its limit! We are to see TTim To be like Him. To be ever with Him! We cannot be interested now in flowers, nor in songs; we are staggered with a great revelation: To be with Him! To be like Him! To be associated forever with the King of kings and Lord of lords ! Take away all of thè earthly baubles ! Some thing has flashed upon bur souls so stupendously wonderful that we want to be alone in the light of the glory of the revelation.
310 THE K I N G ’S BUS I NES S Risen! Glorified! Coming! Like Him! With Him! Forever! Al- mighty God and Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, keep us from ever being beguiled by any Satanic doubts, or demeaned by any sordid thoughts. Let us live in the light and liberty and love of our risen Lord until the story is all told. —T. C. H. T he blood Belief There is one thing .that differentiates the faith of the evangelical Chris tian from all other systems of religion and cults, and from all philosophies concerning sin and the future life of man, and that is the word “ blood.” . There is no place for this word in any man-made religion, and a mo ment ’s thought on the subject will .fortify your faith in the Bible. The Bible is a BLOOD BOOK. From the fourth chapter of Genesis to the nineteenth chapter of Revelation, it is blood, blood, blood! Abel was accepted through a blood offering, and the last picture of the Lord Jesus is found in Rev. 19:12-16: “His eyes were as a flame of Are; and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written that no man knew but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood; and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And- out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, th a t with it he should smite the nations; and he shall rule them with a rod of iron; and he treadeth the wine press of the. fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OP KINGS and LORD OF LORDS.” What a picture! What a vesture ! Dipped in blood! Was it His own blood? Four times in the Book of Revelation is a testimony given to the sacrificial blood of the Lamb. To be an acceptable sacrificial offering, He must be a Lamb without blemish. To be without blemish, He must be virgin-born; and so the Bible teaches. • Now ask yourself the question: “ Why do the Unitarians, and all of these false systems, hate the doctrine of the blood?” The answer is: “ Because the doctrine of blood necessitates the con fession of sin, and the need for a Saviour.” Every false system is bred in hell and propagated by the agents of Satan. You say this is harsh, because there are many nice people who belong to these systems? You mean seemingly nice. But that does not alter the fact that Satan is the author of them. If .there is one word that Satan hates it is the word blood! For the only salvation for men is by faith in the blood of Christ, shed for sin, and the only way to overcome Satan is by the blood of Christ. (Rev. 12:10, 11) : “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ; for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”
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312 THE K I N G ’S BUS I NE S S “ The blood of the Lamb * * * and their testimony!’’ So long as Satan can get people occupied with mere religion, no matter in what form, he knows he has his victim ; but when they see the blood-doctrine, he knows his power is gone. Bun your eyes down any list of false systems, with áll of their vagaries. I f it is Unitarianism—now rampant in supposedly orthodox churches—it is “ no blood.” If it is the Higher Criticism, with its denial of the inerrancy of the. Scriptures, it is “ no blood.” If it is New Thought, there is no thought of blood. Christian Science has no place for blood. Theosophy is blood less. Spiritualism, denies the blood. And all other off-shoots from these self-styled “ religions” are unbelievers in the necessity for a blood atone ment. A bloodless, system is a Satanic system. A bloodless system is a spine less system. A bloodless system is a spurious system. A bloodless system is a seductive system. A bloodless system is a shallow system. A bloodless system is a superficial system. A bloodless system is a stupendously fraudulent system, a social system, a specious system. The blood religion is a supernatural religion, demanding the death of Cod. Tbe blood religion is a sacrificial system. It demanded every drop of blood in the veins of God. The blood religion is a separating system, for it is differentiated from all others. It 'is a strengthening system, for it has a bond stronger than the earthly blood tie. It is a satisfying system. Blood believers do not waste time in running around seeking peace, seeking satis faction, seeking rest. They have a deep consciousness of the truth—without the shedding of blood' there is no remission—'and having accepted as their Saviour Jesus Christ whose blood was shed for sin, they Mhow that they can never be judged for sin (John 5 :24) and they know that the blood of Jesus Christ eleanseth from all sin. God help us all to be lifting up Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, as the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. —T. C. H. LOOK ING for the Missing Link - A noted traveller—Roy Chapman Andrews—his wife and eight other scientists (?), with $50,000.00 a"year to spend for the next five years, are off on an exploring expedition. Two matters give them concern. One, to find the Garden of Eden, and the other, to obtain a fossilized skeleton of a departed link between a 'monkey and a man. Pekin, China, will be their headquarters. We suppose that it doesn’t matter much to a scientist just where he goes, or what he does, so long as he has an object in his mind’s eye! Of course, this necessary link is a great mystery to the evolution friends. They have been a long time on the search. They have followed every kind of trail, but have always found the tail on the monkey. Now it is possible that while they have been nosing around in Central Asia for this link they have been far afield. Why not look through the seminaries and universities ? Perhaps they could find one there. There are some things emanating from these institutions that suggest half man and
half monkey, and we do not see why that would not meet the requirements anyhow. . . . . As for the Garden of Eden : From the best authentic information, it will be difficult to locate, for it is covered with thorns and thistles and weeds. There is a curse, upon it. Why not advise these scientists to stay in China and buy food for the millions of starving Chinese with their funds? It might be that such a service would make China a ‘‘near-Paradise ” to them. ' —T. C. H. A M A N L Y Methodist • It is always a joy to acknowledge the service wrought by men of God in which God is glorified, and we take peculiar pleasure in bearing testi mony to the life work of a manly man who for fifty years has borne the brunt of ceaseless service as an evangelist, a teacher and an author. Dr. L. W. Munhall, of Germantown, Pa., is the man. In his youth he was a blacksmith, and learned how to handle the sledge hammer and has never forgotten the art of hitting good and hard when there was a call for blows. He was in thirty-two battles in the Civil War and left a remuner ative practice to take up Christian work. * In those early days he was a leader in the work of the Y. M. C. A. and his evangelistic meetings for men set the pace for such meetings throughout the country; and we have reason to believe that there are many more faithful men in the Gospel ministry in this country today as a result of his strong^ fearless, faithful preaching than from the preaching of any other man living. He is still at it,—loyal with every fibre of his being to the old Bible and all of the great fundamental doctrines. Dr. Munhall has always been a loyal Methodist and has been used in an unusual way in helping to stem the tide of apostasy in his own denomina tion, and his book on “ Breakers” should be read by every Methodist lay man. Dr. Munhall has.also done great service along this line in “ The Eastern Methodist” of which he is the editor-in-ehief, assisted, by Dr. Charles Rhoads, a fellow of like mind, strong and virile in his editorial work. The Eastern Methodist is in its fifth year, sweet and strong, without any tendency to “ trim.” In a recent editorial we find the following: No church has stood more loyally for the Bible and the historic faith than this communion. Its almost unprecedented growth and prosperity is largely ex plained by this fact. The days of her greatest prosperity were those in which she most vigorously combated infidelity, rationalism and all other forms of unb.elief. The great body of this church’s membership and ministry still believe th e Bible is the Word of God, and the fundamental doctrines of grace. Of recent years the leaven of skepticism and unbelief has been a t work, until today, many of the objections urged by Tom Paine in his “Age of Reason,” against the Bible, are being taught in her Colleges, Theological Seminaries, Sunday School and other litera ture, course of studies for her young -preachers, and openly advocated by not a few Methodist preachers, and apologized for by some Methodist editors. The great mistake the Methodist Church is now making is in following the policy of silence regarding this disgraceful business, by the church papers and those in authority. The destructionists are taking advantage of this to push their dia bolical work, construing silence to'mean approval.
314 THE K I N G ’S BUS I NES S As the case now stands, silence can only mean sympathy with the views, methods and work of the destructionists. Will the silence be broken and the false teachers be Called to an account? We hope so. It will not be our fault if it is not. If the church papers would speak out plainly and unequivocally against the false teachers and their teaching; if the Bishops will stop putting a premium upon false teaching by no longer appointing to an important church a man who is known to disbelieve the Bible, deny its authority, and not to be in sympathy with Metho dist doctrines and usages; and, if the Bishops will put themselves squarely upon record as' uncompromisingly opposed to the teaching that denies the supernatural origin and historical trustworthiness of the Scriptures, predictive prophecy, mir acles and the absolute infallibility of Jesus Christ, and also of the Apostles in their writings, as found in the New Testament, then we believe the tide of unbelief will be arrested and turned, and there will come to the Methodist Church an era of prosperity and growth such as she has never before known. If this is not done, we believe spiritual dearth, confusion and tumult will continue and disruption ? will most surely follow. Brave words, true as Gospel. Would that the church leaders would read, ponder and profit by them. May God bless this manly man whose love for the truth enables him to deal honestly and openly concerning the peril so prevalent in his own and other religious bodies; and God bless the Eastern Methodist. May it have a growing constituency of loving, loyal, Bible Methodists. — - —T. C. II. C O -RELIGIONISTS Ex-President Taft, in an address to an audience of Jews, severely criticises Mr. Henry Ford for his Anti-Semitic propaganda. The ex-Presi- dent is an avowed and aggressive Unitarian, and it is very fitting that he should be associated with his co-religionists, the Jews, whose Sanhedrin nineteen hundred years ago condemned the Lord Jesus Christ to death, because He claimed to be the Son of God in the unique sense which made Him equal with the Father. The members of this Sanhedrin were all Uni tarians, and it was their Unitarianism which sent Christ to the cross. Saul of Tarsus, a member of the Sanhedrin, persecuted Christians unto death because they worshipped Jesus Christ as God, and liis Unitarianism could not tolerate such a procedure. • . . . The difference, however, between ex-President Taft and his Jewish friends of today, is that he claims to be a Christian, while they still profess the same attitude of mind toward Christ as their ancestors of the first century. In refusing to be called Christians they are more consistent than the ex-President. In the sixth century arose another Unitarian Movement, headed by Mohammed, just as antagonistic to the Deity of Christ as the Jews of that- day and the Unitarians of today. Ex-President Taft, in his opposition to the Deity of Christ, would be at home before an audience of Mohammedans, though he would differ from them in their polygamous teachings. On the basis of opposition to the Deity of Christ th'e ex-President might organize a federation of Unitarians, Mohammedans, Jews, Eddyites, Russellites, New Thoughtites, Theosophists, Buddhists, Shintoists, Confucianists. Liberal theologians, who believe that Christ was a superman, divine only as we are all divine, could join this federation on the same basis. Such a union of forces in opposition to the Deity of Christ would be a great world-wide
THE K I NG ' S BUS I NES S 315 organization ready for the leadership of the Anti-Christ, “ the man of sin,” “ the son of perdition,” “ the lawless one,” when that which hinders shall have been taken away. __A. C. D. P r a t for the r . u . c . a . The Pope has complimented the Y. M. C. A. by placing it among organ izations to be avoided by all loyal Roman Catholics. A General Secretary expresses surprise because, he declares, the Y. M. C. A. does not proselyte, and he cannot understand why the Pope, or any one else, should oppose its neutral policy. Perhaps that is the difficulty. The Pope opposes our public schools because they refuse to teach religion of any kind, and the Y. M. C. A. has become so unreligious as to be placed in the same class. Time was. when " the Y. M. C. A. was the greatest evangelical and evangelistic force in this country, if not in the world. It stood behind D. L. Moody in his great evangelistic campaigns, and Mr. Moody led the movement to erect a great Y. M. C. A. building in almost every large city in the English-speaking world. Sir George Williams, its founder, was an enthusiastic soul-winner. ■When one of his employees showed indifference or hostility to Christianity, he would unite with his fellow Christian workmen in a loving conspiracy of prayer and effort for his salvation. In crossing the Atlantic, Sir George made it a point to speak to every passenger on board about his personal relation to Christ. In, those days Y.. M. C. A. Secretaries were filled with the same spirit, holding great meetings for the salvation of men, and training classes in personal work. Is there no way by which the old spirit and methods may be restored? They are not out of date, and were never more needed than they are today. Only God can do it. But He can. Let there be a concert of prayer among evangelical Christians the world over, that the Y. M. C. A. may again become distasteful to the Pope, not because of its indifference to all religion, but because of its loyalty to evangelical truth and its passionate fervor in soul winning. __ a . C. D. G O D ’S Amen “ My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me*?” (Matt. 27 :46). “ God hath raised Him from the dead.” (Rojn. 10:9). The resurrection is God’s Amen to His Son’s “ It is finished.” “ He is risen”—yet a few days before He was “ forsaken” , abandoned by the Father. Human speech has no more tragic word than that word “ forsaken.” What does it all mean? As the Son of God uttered that cry from the cross, while crowds jeered and spit upon Him, while the hosts of^hell were in a riot of glee at their seeming triumph, was not the concentrated wrath of God against sin descending upon Him? The word “ why” had been a stranger to His lips throughout His life. It comes now because of sin and sin that was not His own, for He was spotless. He was plunging into eternity’s blackest moment of despair. God the Father could not look upon sin. Jesus was “ made sin for us.” The hiding of the Father’s face was the bitterest drop in the cup.
316 THE K I NG ' S BUS I NES S Sin separates. It caused separation in Eden. It has separated ever since. The veil in the temple barring access, points to the fact that sin separates. The wages of sin is separation. To be lost is to he forever separated, forsaken eternally. Could any way b.e devised whereby guilty sinners should not be forever forsaken? There was but one. “ He was wounded for our transgressions.” God “ laid upon Him the iniquity of us all.” . He was forsaken that we might not have to be forsaken. The sinless One suffered the pangs of hell in infinite force in our stead. Was His sacrifice acceptable? Is the work of the cross sufficient? Is it forever “ finished” for those who accept Him? How shall we know? The resurrection is the answer. “ He is declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead. ” Thus has God the Father said “ Amen” to the transaction of the cross. —K. L. B. RAT IO NAL IST S and Resurrection Bead the papers in our great cities Monday morning following Easter Sunday, and you will get the echo of many resurrection sermons. Ministers who have come out point blank for a literal bodily resurrection of the saints at the Lord’s second coming, will get a scant five lines. Those who air the modern liberal view of the resurrection will be featured. We give fair warning in good season against these unscriptural modem theories. The only hope of resurrection is that offered us in the Bible. All else is speculation. What the Bible says about it is exceedingly clear. The modernized teaching is that resurrection is from the dead, not from the grave. Resurrection then, we are told, takes place immediately at death. It has to do with the spirit, not the literal body. It is beyond our comprehension how men can make' positive statements of this kind while basing their sermons upon the Bible. There is not a thing in the Bible to warrant such teaching. The resurrection means resurrection of the body or means nothing. Give up the identity of the body and you give up resurrection altogether. The disembodied spirit continues to exist after death. It has never died. It needs no resurrection? The body is in the grave. The Lord Jesus said that “ all that are in the graves” should come forth (Jn. 5:28).» The spirit is not in the grave. It can only refer to the body. The scattered particles of the millions of bodies that have died present no difficulty to Him. The spirit will be united to the resurrection body in a new life. The body is to be redeemed as well as the soul (Rom. 8 :23). Satan is not to have so much as the dust of God’s children to gloat over. “ Though worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see Gojl” (Job 19:26). We look for a Saviour who shall change our bodies, fashioning them after His own glorious body (Phil. 3:20, 21). Look at the pattern. The body of the Lord Jesus was placed in the tomb. The body was resurrected. In the body He was seen for forty days. It was tangible (Lk. 24 ¡39). It was recognizable (Jn. 20:20). It was different, to be sure, for it was a glorified body, but His resurrection
317 THE K I NG ' S BUS I NES S identity is. clearly established. The resurrection had nothing to do with His spirit but solely His body. What is true of saints is likewise true of sinners. In the body Christ- rejeetors have sinned. In bodies they are. to stand before the great white throne (Rev. 20:11). In bodies they will go into everlasting punishment (Rev. 20:15; Matt. 25:40). “ Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul, but rather fear'him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matt, 10 :28). —K. L. B.
Keep Confessing Jesus.
v r 1. You may have God’s rich • est bless - ing Ev - en though you fall, 2. Do you ev - er get de • feat - ed, Pierc’d by Sa - tan’s dart? 3..When the storms of life have bro’t you Sor - row, pain and woe, m * -r~. •#* .* >». *P** m »€" ■#* ^ l
If with faith you keep con - fess - ing, Tho’your pas - sions are deep - seat - ed, Claim the peace the Word has taught you,
Christ as all
God will cleanseyourheart. God’s re-deemed may know.
Published by To\>ey and Brooks in “Gospel Solos and Duets/* 536 So. Hope St., L. A.
No man can be near God and not de sire forgiveness for his brother as Well as for himself. Grace does not always grow in the same ratio with a growing income. The more of heaven there is in our lives the less of earth we shall covet. He never rises high who does not know how to kneel. God accepts the will for the deed though never the deed for the will. The love of our neighbor is the only door out of the dungeon of self. It is given to plain folks to sanctify the narrow way and glorify the narrow view. Search thy friend for his virtues, thyself for thy faults. The only preparation for tomorrow is the right,use of today. Some people who are generous with other people’s money are famous for refusing themselves nothing. The cross is no longer a cross when there is no longer a self to suffer under it. The hour of opportunity lies near the hour of prayer. To know how to wait is one of the great secrets o£ success. The shortest way is not always right; nor the smoothest the safest; therefore be not surprised if the Lord choose the farthest and the roughest; but be sure of this—He will choose the best. Every tru th we get from the Bible is a candle given us to work by. All tru th is lost which ends merely In the knowing of It. Morality is a vestibule to religion, but with the door bolted outside. -To bear the Master’s image, Christ ians, like the wax, must first be melted.
If Pentecost were repeated and so"me church members knew the time and place, they would not attend for fear of fanaticism. Christian people ought to know the enemies of spiritual life as florists know the enemies of plants and flowers. Lying appears more repulsive when we consider who began it. (Jn. 8:44). No ma^ can work effectually above the level of his own spiritual attain ments. A saint needs no halo about his head but he ought to have a solo in his heart. A preacher, like a piano, needs fre quent tuning. He who holds false doctrine holds it first in his own thinking and then seeks it in the Bible as a second source. Some minds are like concrete, thor oughly mixed and permanently set. How candid we are when confessing other people’s sins. A lie is offered as an asset, but in variably proves to be a lie-ability. If the devil were as la^y as some Christians, he could count his proselytes for each year on his fingers. It isn’t every man who can keep his troubles to himself when there are so many people who are eager to borrow them. The quickest cure for grief is action. The more one knows of Christ Him self, th e less he will be tempted by imi tations of the Christian faith. Many people keep at least one eye on 'the temptation they pray not to be led into. Some men pray high and give low. Cultivate love for souls ra th e r than love for preaching. The Great Physician has qp incur able cases' in His hospital.
A Risen Savior’s Challenge The Practical Bearing of Christ’s Resurrection Upon Christian Experience, from “Miscellaneous Notes” Bj) CHARLES H. McINTOSH
HE period during which our blessed Lord lay in the tomb must needs have proved a dark and bewildering mo ment to many of those who looked for redemption in Israel. It would demand a
weighty question for those dear dis ciples—-a question eminently calculated to recall them, as we say, to their senses. It was precisely what they wanted at the moment, occupied as they were with circumstances instead of rest ing in the eternal and immutable tru th of God'. Scripture was clear and plain enough had they only hearkened to its voice. But instead of listening only to the distinct testimony of the eternal Spirit in the Word they had allowed their minds to get thoroughly down un der the action and influences of out ward circumstances. Instead of stand ing with, firm foot on the everlasting rock of divine revelation, they were struggling amid the billows of life’s stormy ocean. In a word, they had for a moment fallen under the power of death so far as their minds were con cerned, and no marvel if their hearts were sad and their communications gloomy. Spiritual Eyes Holdeh And, beloved reader, does it not some times happen th a t you and I in like manner get down under the power of things seen and temporal, instead of living by faith in the light of things un seen and eternal? Yes, even we who profess to know and believe in a risen Saviour—who believe that we are dead and risen with Him—who have the Holy Ghost dwelling in us, do not we at times sink and cower? And do wè not a t such moments stand in need of a risen Saviour’s challenge? Has not th a t precious, loving Saviour ofttimes occasion to put the question to our hearts,- “What manner of communica tions are these th a t ye have one to an-
calm, clear and vigorous faiths to raise the heart above the heavy clouds which gathered just then upon the horizon of God’s people, and it does not appear th a t many possessed such a faith a t that trying moment. We may doubtless look upon the two disciples who travelled together to Emmaus as illustrating the condition of many, if not all, the beloved saints ol God during the three days and three nights that our beloved Lord lay in the heart of the earth. They were thor oughly bewildered and at their wits’ end. “They talked together of all these things which had happened. And it came to pass that, while they communed together and reasoned, Jesus Himself drew near, and went with them. But their eyes were holden th a t they should not know Him.” Their minds were full of surround ing circumstances. All hope, seemed gone. Their fondly cherished expecta tions were blasted, apparently. The whole scene was overcast by the dark shadow of death, and their poor hearts were sad. But mark how the risen Saviour’s challenge falls upon their drooping spirits! “And He said unto them, What manner of communications are these th a t ye have one to another, as ye walk, and are sad?” Surely this was a reasonable and
about our own things-—grasping, grip ing and driving as hard bargains as others—if they see us ,grinding our ser vants with heavy work, low wages and poor fare—what estimate can they form of Him whom we call our Father and our Master in heaven? May we all realize more a risen Saviour’s presence, and find therein a triumphant answer to all the dark sug gestions of the enemy, th e depressing reasonings of our own hearts, and the deadening influence of surrounding cir cumstances. The Rallying Power I t is impossible to read this charming section of inspiration (Luke 24) and hot be struck with what we may ven ture to call the rallying power of a risen Saviour’s voice and presence. We see the disciples scattered hither and thither in doubt and perplexity, fear and despondency-—some running to the sepulchre; some coming from it; some going to Emmaus, and some crowded together a t Jerusalem, in various states and conditions. But the vpice and realized presence of Jesus rallied, reassured and encour aged them all, and brought all together around His own blessed Person in wor ship, love and praise. There was an in describable power in His presence to meet every condition of heart and mind. Thus it was; thus it is; thus it ever must be, blessed and praised be His precious name! There is power in the presence of a risen Saviour to solve our difficulties, remove our perplexities, calm our fears, ease our burdens, dry pur tears, meet our every need, tran- quilize our minds and satisfy every craving of our hearts. The two disciples going to Emmaus proved something of this, if we are to judge from their own glowing words to one another. ‘-‘Did not -our heart burn within us, while He talked with us by the way, and while He opened to us the Scriptures?” Yes, here lay
other?” Does it not often happen that when we come together or when we walk by the way our “communications” are anything but what they ought to be? It may be gloomily moping together over the depressing circumstances which surround us—the weather— the pros pects of the country—the state of trade —our poor health—-the difficulty of making both ends meet—anything and everything, in short, but the right thing. Yes, and so occupied do we become with such things that our spiritual eyes are holden, and we do not take knowl edge of the blessed One who in His tender faithful love is a t our side, and He has to challenge our vagrant hearts with His pointed and powerful question, “What manner of communications are these th a t ye have?” Christians forget how much is in volved in their temper, manner, look and deportment in daily life. We for get th a t the Lord’s glory is intimately bound up with our daily deportments. We all know that, in social life, we judge of the character of the head of a household by what we see of his chil dren and servants. If we observed the children looking miserable and down cast, we should be disposed to pro nounce their father morose, severe and arbitrary.' If we see the servants crushed and overwrought, we consider the master hard-hearted and grinding, In short, as a rule, you can form a tol erably fair estimate of the head of a house by the tone, spirit, style and man ner of the members of his household. How earnestly, then, should we seek, as members of the household of God, to give a right impression of what He is by our temper, spirit, style and man ner! If men of the world— those with whom we come in contact from day to day in the practical details of life— if they see us looking sour, morose, down cast—if they hear us giving utterance to doleful complaints about this, that and the other—if they see us occupied
THE K I NG ' S BUS I NES S “He 'talked with us”—and “He opened to us the Scriptures?” What seraphic mo ments! what high communion! what loving ministry! A risen Saviour rally ing their hearts by His marvelous words and mighty exposition of the Scriptures. What was the effect—what the neces sary result? The two travellers In stantly returned to Jerusalem to seek their brethren. It could not be other wise. If we lose sight of a risen Sav iour we are sure to get away from our brethren, sure to get occupied with our own things; to pursue our own way— to get into coldness, deadness, darkness and selfishness. But, on the other hand, the moment we get really into the pres ence of Christ, when we hear His voice and feel the sweetness and power of His love, when our hearts are brought under the mighty moral influence of His most precious loving ministry, then we are led out in true affection and interest after all our brethren and in earnest desire to find our place in their midst in order th a t we may commun icate to them the deep joy th a t is filling our own souls. We may lay it down as a fixed principle, a spiritual axiom— that it is utterly impossible to breathe the atmosphere of a risen Saviour’s presence and remain in an isolated, in dependent or fragmentary condition. The necessary effect of His dear pres ence is to melt the heart and cause it to flow out in streams of tender affec tion toward all th a t belong to Him. His Gracious Condescension “And they rose up the same hour” of the night—thus proving they had but little business a t Emmaus, or how paramount was the blessed object now before them, “and returned to Jerusa lem, and found the eleven gathered to gether, and them th a t were with them,' saying, The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon. And they told what things were done in the way, and how He was known of them in break the deep and precious secret:
ing of bread. And as they thus spake, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed th a t they had seen a spirit.” They, too, needed a risen Saviour’s challenge to bring them to their senses —to calm their fears and raise their drooping spirits. They needed to real ize the power of His presence as the risen One. They had ju st declared to their two brethren from Emmaus that “The Lord is risen indeed” ; but yet when their risen Lord appeared to them" they did not know Him, and He had to challenge their hearts with His stir ring words, “Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts? Behold my hands and My feet, th a t it is I Myself: hanäle Me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see Me have. And when He had thus spoken, He shewed them H is hands and His feet. And while they yet be lieved not for joy, and wondered, He said unto them, Have ye here any meat? And they gave Him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb. And He took it, and did eat before them.” What gracious condescension to their weakness and need! What compassion ate entrance into all their feelings, spite of their folly and unbelief! Gra cious Saviour! Who would not love Thee? Who would not tru st Thee? May the whole heart be absorbed with Thee! May the whole life be cordially devoted to Thy blessed service! May Thy cause command all our energies! May all we have and all we love be laid on Thine altar as a reasonable ser vice! May the eternal Spirit work in us for the accomplishment 322 THE K I N G ’S BUS I NES S th a t is, the way in which the risen Saviour puts honor upon the written Word. He rebuked the two travellers for their slowness of heart to believe the Scriptures. “And beginning a t Moses and all the prophets, He ex pounded unto them in all the Scrip tu re s the things concerning Himself.” So also in His interview with the eleven and the rest a t Jerusalem. No sooner had He satisfied them as to His identity than He sought to conduct their souls to the same divine author ity—th e Holy Scriptures. “And He said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, th a t all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the Prophets, and in the Psalms, concerning Me, Then opened He their understanding, that they might under stand the Scriptures, and said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from th e dead the third day: and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations, beginning a t Jerusalem.” ' All this is of the deepest possible im portance a t the present moment. We feel persuaded th a t professing Chris tians everywhere need to have their hearts stirred up in reference to the paramount claims of the word of. God, its absolute authority over the con science, its formative power, its com plete sway over the entire course, char acter and conduct. Yes, dearly beloved Christian reader, “It is w ritten” was a favorite sentence with our divine Master and Lord. He ever obeyed the Word. He yielded a hearty and unqualified submission to its holy authority in all things. He lived on it and by it from first to last. He walked according to it and never acted without it. He did not reason or question, imply or infer, He did not add or diminish or qualify in any way —He obeyed. Yes; He, the eternal Son of the Father—Hijnself God over all, blessed for ever, having become a man, lived on the Holy Scriptures and walked by their rule continually. He made them the food of His soul, the material and the basis of 'His mar velous ministry—the divine authority of His perfect path. In all this He was our great Ex emplar. Oh, may we follow His blessed footsteps! May we bring ourselves, our ways; bur habits, our associations, our surroundings, to the test of Holy Scripture and reject with whole-hearted decision everything, no matter what or by whom propounded, that will not bear that searching light. RESURRECTION POWER “That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection” (Phil. 3:10). What the world needs is not only the preached truth, but power; the gospel incarnate in human life; the gospel winged, electric, dynamic, transform ing. We have had much speaking about - God and His #will. Evangelism calls for “real doings with God” in bringing His saving grace to men. Our service must be a sacrament—th e real presence of Christ and the power of the Cross through th e Church. The Church must not be a corps of workers^ merely, but a “ communion of saints.” The first call' is “To your knees,” with the personal cry: “Oh, that I may ltnow Him and the power of His resur rection!” And it is not easy to pray. It is easy to say prayers, but to be pray-ers, to answer our own petitions —this means even to crucify self; to bring anxiety and burden ahd even wrestling into one’s life, rather than the easy-going ways of formal worship and service.—Wilbur Thirkield. M $ths and Moths of Criticism A n Examination of the Moths and their Doings. The Origin of the Myths By DR. A. C. DIXON E "have tried honestly and fairly to investigate the claims of these higher critics, and to study the processes by which they have come to their conclusions, and we are com pelled to say th a t we believe acquainted with them, had heard them preach, had read from their pens, and had met them frequently in private. The orthodox pastor went to Dr. A. and asked him to write an account of one day’s proceedings in the Assembly. He then went to Dr. B. and made of him the same request. The accounts were written, and the orthodox pastor then became a sort of redactor, and mixed up th;e sentences of the two writers so as to make only one story. He then handed It to his higher critic friend, and asked him to separate the mixed article. and restore the original docu ments. The result was a dismal, ludi crous failure. And yet learned men seriously claim that they can decide as to the authorship of chapters, para graphs, sentences and words simply on the ground of literary style. MYTH NO. 2—I t is claimed that evo lution compels us to believe that cer tain parts of th e Bible were written at a later date than is claimed by ortho dox believers. The theory of evolu tion is a pagan and not a Biblical con ception. It is supported b y fancy and not fact. It is imagination run wild. It is a myth born in the brains of scien tific men who have a craze for general ization. Paul met it in the Greek phil osophy of his day. It was one of the high things that exalted themselves against the knowledge of God, and was used then as now by the opponents of Christianity as an engine against re vealed truth. One is not surprised, however, th a t men who make such ab surd claims for their delicate and subtle discernments of style, should accept as established science a myth of Greek their claims are myths, and .their con clusions are moths which are eating away the texture of faith and char acter.- Let us look first a t the myths and their origin, and then we will examine the moths and .their doings. MYTH NO. 1.—-A critic can tell by the literary style of portions of the Scripture th a t they were written by cer tain persons whom he has never seen, and of whom he has never heard nor even read in history. The style of the Junius Letters did not reveal their au thor to the critics of that day, though he was a contemporary. They made their guesses differing one from an other, but no one could positively as certain. An American firm published an anonymous book some years ago, which had been written by an author of national fame, an d 'th e public were invited to guess from the style of the book the author’s name. The literary world sent in their guesses, most of which were wide of the mark: Two pastors, one orthodox and the other a higher critic, were spending their va cations a t a summer assembly, and they discussed in a friendly spirit the merits of the higher criticism. The orthodox pastor asked his higher critic friend whether he ki^w intimately two preachers whom we will call Dr. A. and Dr. B. He replied th a t he was well THE K I N G ’S BUS I NES S 324 others guess that there were 3 or 30? And what is known as the “Fragment Hypothesis” was not long in coming into existence. Dr. Green fitly char acterized it as “the document hypothe sis run mad, the reductio ad absurdum furnished by the more consistent and thorough going application of the prin ciples and methods of its predecessor.” One of these critics claims th a t Genesis is composed of 38 distinct fragments, “varying in length from four or five verses to several chapters.” The names^ of these authors are, of course, not found in history, indeed, they are sim ply myths floating through the brain of a learned man whose imagination has been excited by the assumption th a t he has a miraculous discernment of style. MYTH NO. 5—The fragment hypo thesis soon falls under the weight of its absurdities, and gives place to a simpler theory known as the “Supple mentary Hypothesis.” By this it is claimed that the author who used the word Elohim wrote the original docu ment and that the author who used the word Jehovah, finding this Elohist document, supplemented it with his additions. But it is soon discovered th a t the Elohist refers to things writ ten by the Jehovist who came after him, and this myth vanishes into thin aic. But the myth-makers are not dis couraged; they give us the “Crystalliza tion Hypothesis” which assumes th a t the Pentateuch is a “vast conglomerate including various accessions made in the course of many centuries.” But this myth soon became old enough not to satisfy those who, like the Athen ians,. cared only for something new, and the “Modified Document Hypothe sis” is born." That is a complicated affair. It assumes an “Elohist” , a second “Elohist” , “Jehovist” , a second “Jehovist” , a “Deuteronomist” , a sec ond “Deuteronomist” , a Priestly writer,' a second Priestly writer and a third Priestly writer, and as you read one of their pages with the letters E, J, D, speculation, for they show a marvel ous credulity in reference to everything except the Bible. MYTH NO. 3—The Pentateuch or Hexateuch may be divided into two dis tinct documents written by two authors, one of whom used the word Elohim in referring to God, and the other the word Jehovah. The originator of this myth was Jean Astruc, born in 1684, '‘a French physician of considerable learning bu t profligate life.” He wrote a treatise entitled “Conjectures con cerning the Original Memoranda which it appears Moses used to compose the Book of Genesis.” He believed th a t Moses was the author of Genesis, though he used material th a t was writ ten by others. Dr. Eichhorn, of Got tingen, adopted this theory and added many original guesses to the guesses of Astruc. This profligate French phy sician has the honor of being the fa ther of the modern destructive higher critic movement, unless you choose to trace its fatherhood through his bad character back to ,th e one who, in the Garden of Eden, said to the woman in disregard of God’s word, “Ye shall not surely die.” When a w riter today uses in the same article or book in referring to God th e word “Almighty,” “Creator;” or “Father,” no one suspects th a t two men were authors of the arti cle or book. But because the word “Elohim,” which refers to God as the Almighty Creator, and the word “Je hovah,” which refers to Him as the covenant-keeping God, were used in Genesis, it is inferred that two authors must have w ritten the book. It is strange th a t Jean Astruc and his fol lowers did not have discernment enough to see th a t the same man may use the word “Elohim” in referring to God as Creator, and “Jehovah” in referring to Him as the covenant-keeping God. MYTH NO. 4—The document theory of Astruc and Eichhorn opened the way for any number of guesses. If Astruc had the righ t to guess th a t there were two authors of Genesis, why may not
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