King's Business - 1921-04


No man can be near God and not de­ sire forgiveness for his brother as Well as for himself. Grace does not always grow in the same ratio with a growing income. The more of heaven there is in our lives the less of earth we shall covet. He never rises high who does not know how to kneel. God accepts the will for the deed though never the deed for the will. The love of our neighbor is the only door out of the dungeon of self. It is given to plain folks to sanctify the narrow way and glorify the narrow view. Search thy friend for his virtues, thyself for thy faults. The only preparation for tomorrow is the right,use of today. Some people who are generous with other people’s money are famous for refusing themselves nothing. The cross is no longer a cross when there is no longer a self to suffer under it. The hour of opportunity lies near the hour of prayer. To know how to wait is one of the great secrets o£ success. The shortest way is not always right; nor the smoothest the safest; therefore be not surprised if the Lord choose the farthest and the roughest; but be sure of this—He will choose the best. Every tru th we get from the Bible is a candle given us to work by. All tru th is lost which ends merely In the knowing of It. Morality is a vestibule to religion, but with the door bolted outside. -To bear the Master’s image, Christ­ ians, like the wax, must first be melted.

If Pentecost were repeated and so"me church members knew the time and place, they would not attend for fear of fanaticism. Christian people ought to know the enemies of spiritual life as florists know the enemies of plants and flowers. Lying appears more repulsive when we consider who began it. (Jn. 8:44). No ma^ can work effectually above the level of his own spiritual attain­ ments. A saint needs no halo about his head but he ought to have a solo in his heart. A preacher, like a piano, needs fre­ quent tuning. He who holds false doctrine holds it first in his own thinking and then seeks it in the Bible as a second source. Some minds are like concrete, thor­ oughly mixed and permanently set. How candid we are when confessing other people’s sins. A lie is offered as an asset, but in­ variably proves to be a lie-ability. If the devil were as la^y as some Christians, he could count his proselytes for each year on his fingers. It isn’t every man who can keep his troubles to himself when there are so many people who are eager to borrow them. The quickest cure for grief is action. The more one knows of Christ Him­ self, th e less he will be tempted by imi­ tations of the Christian faith. Many people keep at least one eye on 'the temptation they pray not to be led into. Some men pray high and give low. Cultivate love for souls ra th e r than love for preaching. The Great Physician has qp incur­ able cases' in His hospital.

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