King's Business - 1921-04

T H E K IN G ’S B U S IN E S S MOTTO: " l,the Lord, do keep it, / w ill water it every moment, lest any hurt it, / w ill keep it night and day. = = = = = ' ' " " t ■ "■■.'■¿vu, 1 '= Isa. 27:3 — ..........” ■ ■■ ' ' -■■»■■ =•-"■■ -.'.-u PUBL ISH ED M O N TH LY BY T H E BIBLE IN S T IT U T E OF LOS ANGELES 536-558 SO U TH H O PE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CAL. Entered as Second-Class Matter November 17, 1910. at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California under tbe A ct of March 3, 1879 Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917 authorized October 1, 1918. - Volume XII April, 1921 . Number 4 Furnish us names and addresses of worthy missionaries or Christian workers who would enjoy The King’s Business, and we will send the maga­ zine to them free. C O N T E N T S Editorials: Christ is Risen (309), The Blood Belief (310), Looking for the Missing Link (312), A Manly Methodist (313), Co- Religionists (314), Pray for the Y. M. C. A. (315), God’s Amen , (315), Rationalists and Resurrection (316). Sentence Sermons. (318) A Risen Savior’s Challenge—-By C. H. McIntosh (3 liT) Myths and Moths—By Dr. A. C. Dixon (323) Things That Cannot Be Shaken—By Dr. Cortland Myers (327) Life and Immortality (332)' Bible-Institute Happenings (333) Bible Institute in Hunan, China (335) Evangelistic Stories (338) Thoughts for Unsaved People (349.) Sunday School Lessons (350) Daily Devotional Readings^—Dr. F. W. F a rr (387) Editorial Afterthoughts—By K. L. B. (394) Good Books (396) Helps Fo r Young Students (399) PLEASE When sending subscriptions, address correspondence to OfBoo of The King’s Business, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, U I-H I Sooth Hope Street. Checks may be made payable to tnstltuto of Los Angeles. Do not make checks or money orders to Individuals connected with the Bible Institute. O N L Y O N E D O L L A R A . Y E A R FOREIGN COUNTRIES, INCLUDING CANADA $1.24 - SINGLE COPIES 15 CENTS Rev. T . C . H O R T O N , Editor in Chief Rev. KEITH L. BROOKS, Managing Editor I A LA N S. PEARCE, AcN. Manager Contributing Editors DR. F. W . FARR DR. FRENCH E. OLIVER REV. WM . H. PIKE DR. A . C . D IXON

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