King's Business - 1921-04

THE K I N G ’S BUS I NES S Mud-made, wood-carved and eaten by white ants. Hasten while you’re young, don’t let these deceive, Trust in Jesus, He’ll save you and me." It must be rather humbling for the parents to continue their devotions to their gods of mud and wood with these little folks about. Thank God for these little missionaries of the Cross. -I spent Sunday from house to house with the leader and assistant leader of Band No. 6». We visited a number of the principal homes in and around this market town and were cordially wel­ comed in each. Some of the venerable old gentlemen who received us were ex­ ceedingly kind, escorting us to the seats of honor in their guest halls and giving us the usual tea and sweetmeats. They spoke highly of the work of Band No. 6, and of the tru th of the message, one old man said:— “What else could we desire?” I don’t know when I could have seen the interior of so many homes in Huang-Mao had not Biola Band No. 6 been there opening hearts' and homes to the Gospel. A good report comes of Band 9, who have only begun work these last two months. Some forty meet with them fer prayer, and these are preparing to rent premises in which to continue the worship of God, the same as at Huang- Mao, after the departure of the Biola Band. Would that we had such bands of earnest workers all over China to gather in the lost ere the day of grace has for them become the night of despair. It does one’s soul good to visit the homes of those who have been brought in by our Biola Bands. Think of the idols abolished, and the light of God’s love shining in homes which were a year ago in heathen darkness. The habitations of cruelty are being made the dwelling place of the Most High. Surely, “The Gospel is the power of God


AN YOUNG LING Leader of Biola Band No. 6 faces of the grown-ups while the chil­ dren were singing! Real* pleasure scarcely describes it, they were simply entranced! I presided at the organ, and Mr. Ou-Yang, assistant leader of Band 6, led the singing. He certainly lays himself out to reach the children and through them the grown-ups. The little chaps sing the choruses along the streets on the way home, and when they get there they keep on singing till their little sisters catch on too. Here is one of th e choruses roughly translated :•=— "Older and younger brothers, listen to what I say, Serve your fathers and mothers and do less play. Elder and younger sisters, you make up your mind, Father’s and mother’s teaching can’t be thrown behind. The true God is supreme, the idols can be seen,

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