King's Business - 1921-04

THE K I N G ’S BUS I NES S He went on, “I have gone back and forth to my Country about five times, and every time my parents want me to go, to mass and confess to the priest, for they have noticed that I do not go voluntarily, but now my eyes have been opened since reading your tracts, and I will have to tell my parents when I go back that X can no longer attend mass or confess to a priest. I know they will curse me and call me a Pro­ testant, but I don’t care. I cannot do it any longer.” -We explained to him the difference between the two beliefs. Being convinced of the error of Roman­ ism he gladly received a Testament to study and who knows but that this may lead him sooner or later to make his confession of the Lord Jesus Christ? Somehow during the past month when pressing home the claims of the Lord Jesus Christ upon the young men, the answer invariably has been, “Well, you see our parents brought us up in the Roman Catholic faith and we can­ not offend them by leaving our reli­ gion.” It only goes to show the hold Rome has on the people and only the supernatural can break its power.. Oh, th e blindness of the Romanist! Wanted to Be Blind One evening a young man opened the door in response to a rap and when asked if he would receive a tract, that spoke about the redemption in Christ Jesus, the woman of the house imme­ diately cried out, “No, we want to be blind.” “But,” we said, “We all have to die and then where will we spend eternity?” “Why, of course, we’ll all go to heaven,”' she said. We tried to show her that whenever we go to church or an entertainment we do not go in our workijng clothes, but rather wie wash ourselves and put on our best apparel, and try to look presentable. We said, “That is on earth, but up there God is holy and the angels are pure and holy, so how can we unclean sinners reach such a place?” Then we told them about the fountain of blood which cleanses from all sin, and showed them we must be washed in the blood of the Lamb to get there. There were about eight persons in the room and in spite of what the woman had said, she reached over to the young man for the tract. Who knows but that a new train of thought may have entered the minds of th a t roomful of Mexicans? Recently we received a letter from a young Mexican from Indianapolis in­ quiring about the Bible Correspond­


ence Courses He wants to study the Bible and wants to know what we can do for him. This surely would be a fine investment for someone to help this Mexican to take a course in Bible Study and thus fit himself to work among his own people. Beginnings of a Chapel God has answered prayer in that we have been able to lease a lot in one of our colonies to put up a Chapel for a dollar a year and we have also received in answer to prayer over one hundred and eleven dollars toward the build­ ing. Please help us in prayer for at least two hundred dollars more that we may be able to start our building very soon. Remember the promise, “Whatsoever ye ask the Father in my name I will do it.” §S$§ BIOLA HALL WORK DAVID CANT, Supt. Walking along Main Street one day recently was a young man deeply en­ gaged in a mathematical problem. He was figuring just about how long he could live On fifty-eight cents. He wasn’t a “down and out” by any means, but was well dressed, well educated and refined. An estrangement with his best girl in a far away city had con­ strained him to throw up a position paying him three hundred dollars a month and strike out for the city of perpetual sunshine and well-advertised prosperity. His pile Was swiftly, ex­ hausted and this particular morning he had resisted a strong impulse, to grab some apples from a fruit stand in pass­ ing, when he felt a hand gently laid on his shoulder and a voice in his ear saying, “Excuse me, do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour?” Turning, he looked into the face of a young man about his own age and general appearance, who, with his permission, walked along explaining God’s simple unconditional way of sal­ vation through faith in the atoning blood of God’s Son. When they reached’ Biola Hall the young man was invited ■' to come in, which he gladly did. They-sat down with an open Bible between them and almost before he knew it the young man was in a little back room on his knees crying out his heart to God to re­ ceive him for Christ’s sake. They shook hands and, like two ships passing in the night, separated. The following day a letter reached him from his father con­ taining' a check for twenty-five dollars.

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