King's Business - 1921-04


The ChosenPeople,TheLandandfheBook SSI Notes Concerning the JevJs and Prophecr?


Show that the present outbreak of anti- Semitism is backed by Roman Catholic­ ism. For hundreds of years the Jews have suffered at the hands of the Roman hierarchy. This hatred has been re­ newed since Palestine was granted by the allies to the Jewish people, Rome long having cherished the hope of dom­ inating the Holy Land. “The Menace” declares that “the Roman hierarchy in this country prepared and has widely circulated a series of atrocious libels, charging the Hebrews with conspiracy against our institutions and all existing governments. The purpose seems to have been two-fold, to enrage the public against the Jews whom popery has persecuted so fiendishly fifteen cen­ turies and is how slaughtering in all papal lands of Europe, and to divert at— tention from Vatican plotting against P.rotestant and democratic institutions everywhere.” On the other hand, “The Outlook" produces some evidence th a t the “Pro­ tocols,” the book professing to be an expose of the Jewish plot to dominate the world, was fraudulently manufac­ tured. It is said that more than twenty years ago in Russia under the Roman­ offs, as a part of a bitter campaign against the Jews, this thing was de­ vised. The favors granted the Jews by the allied nations have stirred up the “ Jew-baiters” and these documents have been given wider circulation. From the standpoint of Protestantism we think the Federal Council of Churches in America did the Christlike thing in passing resolutions deploring the attacks upon the Jews and admon­ ishing Christian people to express dis­ approval of all actions conducive to in­ tolerance and racial hatred. God has undoubtedly honored Amer­ ica because of its care of the Hebrew people. He has certainly expressed His disapproval of every nation th a t has per­ secuted the Jew. Let us beware as a nation, and as Christians let it be made our business to pray much for the Jews, to work for their salvation, to support reliable Jewish mission work, and to tre a t these people with Christlike kind­ ness.

ANTI-JEWISH PROPAGANDA Subscribers have kept us supplied with clippings from newspapers and maga­ zines designed to show a great plot on the part of the Jews to put down all other races. This propaganda has been greatly stimulated by articles recently appearing in Henry Ford’s paper, “The Dearborn Independent.” Reference has been made to the “Protocols,” said to be the minutes of meetings held some­ where in Switzerland, of “Zionist Men of Wisdom.” The pamphlet seems to prove that there has been an age-long plot on the part of the Jews to gain world supremacy by any means, either honorable or foul. It has been charged that the Russian Bolshevik experiment is a great attempt at carrying out this Jewish conquest. As this magazine pointed out some time ago, several of the ringleaders of Bol­ shevism are Jews. On the other hand, it should be said that the present Bol­ shevik cabinet consists of seventeen members, only one of whom is a real Jew (Trotsky). That we are to expect in the latter days, some strange things from unbe­ lieving Jews, the prophecies indicate. They are leaders of the apostasy, they practically control the money of the world, their antagonism toward Chris­ tianity is to be more and more marked. The Bible Christian will look with pity upon the Jews in this condition and will “pray for the peace of Jerusalem” and work for the salvation of these blinded people. No enlightened Chris­ tian could undertake to promote anti- Semitism and we tru st th a t our readers will not become excited to hatred against the race th a t God has marked for future dealiifgs. The individuals and nations that have turned against “the chosen people” have never known anything but defeat, and we are inclined to feel that the beginning of the end of Henry Ford’s marked business success will date from the time of his layout of“ money to propagate anti-Semitism. There is tru th in what has been written, but-it is not the whole truth. , The editor of “The New Menace” has produced some evidence tending to

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