King's Business - 1921-04



Dorcas opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter, she sat up. Peter took her by the hand and lifted her up, and called all the people, and presented her to them alive and well. O, what a happy time it was, for ju st a few mo­ ments before they were all weeping be­ cause she was dead, and now God had given her back to them. BLACKBOARD SKETCHES By E.. G. Han sell April 3, 1921. The Ideal Christian. Rom. 12:1, 2, 9-21. Introduction: DRAW cross explain­ ing that the love of God was shown by the gift of His Son upon the cross. I. Vs. 1, 2. The Christian’s duty to­ ward God, is absolute surrender. DRAW. H. Vs. 9-21. The Christian’s love toward others: Explain that as the Christian is a new creature in Christ Jesus, he must love others as himself. DRAW. Conclusion. Golden Text: Explain that true consecration will lead to our love for others, and if we would love others and be true to God we must be

diligent in (DRAW) prayer, Bible Study, home life, and put God first in everything.

APRIL 10, 1921 B IBLE T EA CH ING S A B O U T H E A L TH (May be used with Temperance Applications.) Golden Text: Every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. 1 Cor. 9:25. LESSON TEXT 1 Cor. 6:19, 20; 9:24-27; Gal. 6:7, 8. (Read Prov. 23:29-35; Isa. 28:1-8; Gal. 5:19-21.)

(26) I th ere fo re so run, n o t as- u n ­ c e rta in ly ; so fight I, n o t a s one th a t b e ateth th e a ir: (27) B ut I keep un d er m y body, and b rin g it into subjectio n : le st th a t by a n y m eans, w hen I have p reached to o thers, I m yself should be a c a staw a y (Gal. 6:7). Be no t deceived; God is not m ocked: fo r w h a tso e v er a m an sow - eth, th a t sh all he also reap. (8) F o r he th a t sow eth to his flesh sh a ll of th e flesh re ap co rru p tio n ; b u t he th a t sow eth to th e S p irit sh a ll of th e S p irit re ap life ev erlastin g . by the Sp irits Control. 9:24-27. (3) The Blight or Blessing of the Body. Gal. 6:7, 8.

(19) W h at? know ye n o t th a t yo u r body is th e tem ple of . th e Holy G host w hich is in you, w hich ye have of God, an d ye a re no t your own? (20) F o r ye a re bo u g h t w ith a price: th e re fo re g lo rify God in y our body, and in y our sp irit, w hich a re God’s. (Ch. 9:24) Know ye n o t th a t th e y w hich ru n in a race ru n all, b u t one receiv eth th e prize? So run, th a t ye m ay óbtain. (25) And every m an th a t s triv e th fo r th e m aste ry is tem p e ra te in all th in g s. Now th e y do i t °to o b tain a c o rru p tib le crow n ; b u t w e an in co rru p tib le. O u tlin e (1) Thè Bodies of Believers—God's Temple. 1 Cor. 6:19, 20. (2) The Body Brought into Bondage,

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