King's Business - 1921-04



APR IL 17, 1921

B IBLE T E A C H IN G S A B O U T W O RK . Golden Text: Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord. Rom. 12:11. LESSON TEXT Mk. 6:1-3; Jno. 5:17; 2 Thes. 3:6-13. (Read Ex. 20:9-11; Prov. 22:29; 28:19; 31:10-31; Eph. 4:28.)''

he received of us. (7) F o r y o u r­ selves know how ye o u g h t to fo l­ low us: fo r we behaved no t o u r­ selves d iso rd erly am ong you; (8) N eith er did we e a t a n y m an ’s bread fo r n o u g h t; b u t w ro u g h t w ith lab o u r and tra v a il, n ig h t and day, th a t we m ig h t no t be c h arg eab le to any of you: (9) N ot because w e have nor pow er b u t to m ake o urselves an ensam ple un to you, to follow us, (10) F o r even w hen we w ere w ith you, th is we comm anded you, th a t if an y w ould n ot w ork, n e ith e r should he eat. (11) F o r we h e ar th a t th e re a re som e w hich w alk am ong you disorderly, w o rk in g no t a t all, b u t a re busybodies. (12) Now tfiem th a t a re such w e comm and an d ex h o rt by our L ord Je su s C hrist, th a t w ith q u ietn ess th ey w ork, and e a t th e ir ow n bread. (13) B ut ye, b re th re n , be n o t w e ary in w ell­ doing. does not matter for our lesson purpose. He was. not well received. They hated Him; tried to kill Him. The question asked here is a natural one. He had been speaking in the synagogue on the Sabbath Day, and the question arises “From whence hath this man wisdom and mighty works? Is He not the carpenter?” It is not a question of His wisdom, or works, or character, but of the schools. “What saith the Sanhedrin?” Now, the ques­ tion is “What college, what'university, what seminary, what degrees are tacked on to the name of the man who pre­ tends to preach or teach? Whose hands have been laid upon him?” Human nature is always the same. “Do you belong to the Sons of the High-brows or to the Daughters of the Low-Necks? Do you eat with your knife or drink out of your saucer? We can tell all about you when we ask you a few questions.” Jesus commended work by working. You cannot think of Him as resting. When He goes to the mountain a t night

(M ark 6:1) And he w e n t o u t from thence, and cam e Into his own coun­ try ; and his disciples follow him . (2) And w hen th e sa b b a th day w as come, he began to tea ch in th e synagogue: and m any h e a rin g him w ere astonished, saying, P rom w hence h a th thin m an th ese th in g s? and! w h a t w isdom is th is w hich is g iven unto him , th a t even such m ig h ty w o rk s a re w ro u g h t by his hands? (3) Is no t th is th e c a rp e n ­ ter, th e son of M ary, th e b ro th er of Jam es, and Joses, a n d of Juda, and Simon? and a re n o t his siste rs here w ith us? And th e y w ere o f­ fended a t him . (Jno. 5:17) B u t Je su s answ ered them , My F a th e r w o rk e th h ith e rto , and I .work. (2 Thes. 3:6) Now we comm and you, b reth ren , in th e nam e of ou r L ord Je su s C hrist, th a t ye w ith d raw y o u rselv es from every b ro th er th a t w a lk e th d iso rd e r­ ly, and no t a fte r th e tra d itio n w hich Outline (1) Work Commended, Mark 6:1-3. (2) Work Commanded, 1 Thess. 4:11. (3) Work Compensated, 2 Thess. 3: 6-13. Introduction We are not always in sympathy with our good brethren who have laid out for us this series of lessons. We so often miss the opportunity to make the most of a passage by LESSON reason of the coupling EXPOSITION together of passages T. C, Horton which are not always germane to the spirit­ ual aim of the Bible. Better try and make one or two points stick in the mind and heart of your scholar than to divide the attention. There is little enough» time as it is for teaching in our Sunday School classes. (1) WORK COMMENDED, Mark 6: 1-3. The picture is of Jesus at home in Nazareth. We do not know whether this is the visit which was recorded in Luke 4 or a subsequent one, but this

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