King's Business - 1921-04



By E. G. Hansell April 24, 1921. Poverty and Wealth. Is. 5:8-10; Amos. 8:4-7; Lk. 16:19-25. Introduction: God’s attitude toward the rich. Is. 5:8-10 and Amos 8:4-7. Explain this passage. I. Lk. 16:19-22. The rich man and Lazarus here upon earth. DRAW the rich man’s gate and poor Lazarus, ex­ plaining the story. H. Lk. 16:23-25. The rich man and Lazarus after death. DRAW the grave and heaven, explaining the story. Conclusion. DRAW the two hearts, explaining the Golden text.

after he was dead. It always pays to be kind and loving in all we do, and just like this woman, who was kind and shared her home and joys with Elisha, we too should be willing to share our toys and joys with others, and always try to make others happy. Teach mem­ ory verse. Emphasize giving to $,nd helping poor children, and giving our money to missions.

n iHk m MAY 1, 1921 B IBLE T EA CH ING S A B O U T ED U C A T IO N Golden Text: Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. Prov. 4:7. LESSON TEXT Deut. 6:4-9; Prov. 3:13-18; Lu. 2:52. (Read Prov. 1:7-9; 4:1-13; Col. 2:3; Jas. 1:5; 2 Pet. 1:5.)

(4)H ear, O Isra e l: th e LORD our God is one LORD: (5) And thou sh a lt love th e LORD th y God w ith a ll th in e h e art, arid w ith a ll th y soul, and w ith a ll th y m ight. (6) And th ese w ords, w hich I comm and th ee th is day, sh a ll be in th in e h e a rt: (7) And th o u sh a lt teach them d ilig e n tly un to th y children, and sh a lt ta lk of them w hen thou s itte s t in th in e house, an d w hen th o u w a lk e st by th e w ay, and w hen th o u lie st down, a n d w hen th o u ris- e st up. (.8) And th o u sh a lt bind them fo r a s s ig n upon th in e hand, and th e y sh all be as fro n tle ts be­ tw een th in e eyes. (9) And thou sh a lt w rite them upon th e po sts of th y house, and on th y g a te s. (13) Outline (1) The Word of God (The Family Book), Deut. 6:4-9. (2) The Wisdom of God (Found in the Word of God), Prov. 3:13-18.

H appy is th e m an th a t findeth w is­ dom, and th e m an th a t g e tte th u n ­ d erstan d in g . (14) F o r th e m erc h an ­ dise of it is b e tte r th a n th e m e r­ chandise of silver, an d th e g ain th ere o f th a n fine gold. (15) She is m ore precious th a n ru b ies: and all . th e th in g s th o u c an st desire a re not to be com pared un to her. (16) L en g th of days is in h e r rig h t hand; and in h er le ft h an d rich es and honour. (17) H er w ays a re w ays of p lea sa n tn e ss, and a ll h er p a th s a re peace. (18) She is a' tree of life to them th a t lay hold upon h er: an d h appy is everyone th a t re ta in - e th her. ■(52) And Je su s increased in w isdom and sta tu re , and in f a ­ vour w ith God and man. (3) The Warp of Men’s Minds (Forc­ ing Scripture From Its Context), Luke 2:52. (1) THE WORD OF GOD, Deut. 6:4-9. “Hear, O Israel!” A summons from

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