King's Business - 1921-04

THE K I N G ’S BUS I NES S Lord placed a high value upon it (Rey. 3:18). David says th a t gold and sil­ ver are nothing compared to God’s Word, (Psa. 119:72). The picture here is a beautiful one. Wisdom is personified as a woman. In one hand are length of days; in the other, riches and honor. And God’s promise is definite to the godly wise, (Psa, 91:15, 16): “He sh a ll call upon m e an d I w ill a n ­ sw er him ; I w ill be w ith him in tro u b le ; I w ill deliver him» a n d ho n o u r him . W ith lo n g life w ill I s a tis fy him , 'and sh ew him m y sa lv atio n .” The way is pleasant—along the paths of peace; and th e'though ts and deeds of wisdom are easily found in the won­ derful Word of God. (Phil. 4:8, 9): “F in a lly , b re th re n , w h a tso e v er th in g s a re tru e , w h a tso e v er th in g s a re h o nest, w h a tso e v er th in g s a re ju s t, w h atso ev er th in g s a re p u re, w h a tso e v er th in g s a re lovely, w h a tso e v er th in g s a re of good r e ­ p o rt; if th e re be a n y v irtu e , a n d if th e re be a n y p ra ise, th in k on th ese th in g s.” (3) THE WARP OF MEN’S MlNDS, Luke 2:52. The wonderful revelation of this verse concerning our Lord has no connection with the subject of religious training. There is no suggestion anywhere in the Scripture th a t our Lord had any school­ ing. At twelve years of age He aston­ ished the doctors in the temple with His wisdom. His own mother did not un­ derstand Him. “Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it,” were her words. Neither did His brethren, of His own household, understand Him. God manifest in the fleshy—the per­ fect Man— the absolute God—never de­ pended upon His parents or upon the schools; but, perfect in knowledge, manifested in a natural manner, as He grew, increasing in wisdom and stature. Even the Jewish rabbi^ knew th a t He was never subject to the teaching of their schools. (John 7 :1 5 ):' “And th e Jew s marvelled» say in g , How k n ow e th th is m an le tte rs , h a v in g n ev er lea rn ed ? ” There is great danger in any attempt to eliminate, in any degree, this truth concerning our Lord Jesus Christ. (Prov. 4 :7 ): ’


prayers, but should have the children repeat verses of Scripture until they are as familiar with them as with the alphabet. Supposing the following verses were taught to all of the chil­ dren: Rom. 3:10; 3:23; jo h n a 3:16; 1:12; 3:36; 5:24; Rom. 8:1-4;* 8:38, 39; John 20:31. and these simple pas­ sages dwelt upon until their full force and meaning were inwrought into their souls, they would be able to meet the silly, sentimental theories of the school teachers with wisdom’s words and put them to flight, and would be prepared to deal with unsaved people of any age. The Word of God should be a theme of conversation in the home (Mai. 3:16) and the Christian home should -be a place where the Word of God and the work of God should have a holy, happy place, (Prov. 6:22 ): “W hen th o u g oest, it sh a ll lea d th ee ; w hen th o u sleep est, it sh a ll k eep th e e ; a n d w hen th o u a w a k e st, i t sh a ll ta lk w ith thee.” (2) THE WISDOM OF GOD (Prov. 3:13-18). The man who possesses wisdom (skill) is a blessed man. There is wis­ dom in Satan, so we are to be wise as a serpent; but God’s wisdom is to be found in His Word, and the really wise people are those who are taught of God. God’s will is wisdom and His will can only be found through His Word (-2 Tim. 3:15, 16): “And th a t from a child th o u h a s t know n th e holy S crip tu res, w hich «are able to m ak e th e e w ise u n to salv atio n th ro u g h fa ith w hich is in C h rist Je su s. A ll S crip tu re is g iv e n toy in sp ira tio n of God, an d is profitable fo r d octrine, for r e ­ proof, fo r correctio n , fo r in stru c tio n in rig h te o u sn e ss.” Do not make any mistake about this verse. "“All” means all. Know the will of God and then do His will, (John 7:17). Solomon is called “the wise man” and we are told how he ’obtained his wisdom (1 Ki. 4:29, 30). The wisdom of God can be possessed by every child of God who cares to have it. Paul paid a big price for it (Phil.. 3:8, 9). Our

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