King's Business - 1921-04



mainspring on the hands as they move around the dial. If the watch goes wrong it will not do merely •to alter the hands. You must touch the regula­ tor. There is much force and value in the exhortation addressed by Barnabas to the converts at Antioch: "He ex­ horted them that with all purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord.” i—C. H. M. Literally “upon thy heart.” We generally speak of the head as the seat of intelligence and the heart as the seat of the affections, We may grasp tru th intelligently and yet not have it upon our hearts.-^-Marsh. Heart, soul and might. Spirit, soul and body, God claims all. (1 Thess. 5:23.) —Sail v. 6. Shall be in thy heart. Bible men should get stamped in their heads and in their hearts as David did (Ps. 119:11). Knowledge that swims in the head only and sinks not down into the heart does no more good than rain in the middle region does to the whole country. If the word of the Lord is photographed on the heart it will give forth its impressions on the life.— Trapp. v. 7. Teach them diligently. This lesson is entitled “Bible Teachings about Education” but most of the lesson has little to do with secular education. It is God’s Word which we are directed to teach to others and especially to those for whom we are^ particularly respons­ ible—our own children. The most im­ portant part of a child’s education is the education a t home.. The original verb generally signifies “to whet or sharpen.”: From the meaning and usage of the word it will be seen th a t no light or listless teaching is meant but diligent teaching which is as a sharp sword to cut, an arrow to stick.—- Young. Talk of them. Note the vari­ ous methods for maintaining the reli­ gious atmosphere: 1. By meditation; 2. By religious training of the children; 3. By pious discourse and conversation; 4. By persistent study of the Scriptures;' 5. By the use of wall texts.—-Meyer. v. 8. Bind them for a sign. The rule of heaven was to be knit to their being th a t they might do the right thing always. The word translated “bind” is given “knit” in 1 Sam. 18:1. The command of love should be knit to our nature as Jonathan’s heart was bound to David.—Marsh. Shall be as frontlets. Their thought' and sight were to be ruled by the tru th of God. What a difference it would make in the

“W isdom Is th e p rin cip al th in g ; th e re ­ fo re g e t w isdom ; a n d w ith a ll th y g e ttin g , g e t u n d e rstan d in g .” PRACTICAL POINTS (1) God is jealous of His own glory. Do not give it to another. (2) Sir Walter Scott well said: “There is but one Book—the Bible.” (3) There is a trite saying: “Beware of the man of one book.” Why not be a man and master of the one Book? (4) Put the Bible in its proper place— first. (5) The need of the family-s-the Bible and the bended knee. (6) The wisdom of the wise is found in the Word of God. (7) Be as wise as a serpent (the devil) and harmless as a dove. (8) Wisdom is moré precious than rubies. Pay the price and possess it. Deut. 6:4. The Lord our God is one lo rd . This is one of the clearest dec­ larations ipi the Bible of the great truth of the unity of God.. This is a favorite verse with Uni- COMMENTS FROM tarians and Jews, MANY SOURCES who deny the Keith L. Brooks Trinity, but the doctrine of the Trinity is in the verse, for the word translated “God” is plural in form. Lit­ erally translated it would read “ Je­ hovah our Gods is one Jehovah.” This plural word for God, used hundreds of times in the Old' Testament, is plural because while there is but one God there is a plurality of persons in the one Godhead.T-—Torrey. The tru th con­ tained in the sentence “The Lord our God is one Lord” was in marked oppo­ sition to the false gods innumerable of the heathen around. Their father Abraham had been called out from the very midst of heathen idolatry to be a witness to the one true and living God. —McIntosh. v. 5. With all thine heart. Here lies the secret of all true practical re­ ligion. Without this' all is valueless to God. Where the heart is given all will be right. The heart may be com­ pared to the regulator of a watch which acts on the hairspring and the hair­ spring acts on the mainspring and the

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