King's Business - 1921-04

312 THE K I N G ’S BUS I NE S S “ The blood of the Lamb * * * and their testimony!’’ So long as Satan can get people occupied with mere religion, no matter in what form, he knows he has his victim ; but when they see the blood-doctrine, he knows his power is gone. Bun your eyes down any list of false systems, with áll of their vagaries. I f it is Unitarianism—now rampant in supposedly orthodox churches—it is “ no blood.” If it is the Higher Criticism, with its denial of the inerrancy of the. Scriptures, it is “ no blood.” If it is New Thought, there is no thought of blood. Christian Science has no place for blood. Theosophy is blood­ less. Spiritualism, denies the blood. And all other off-shoots from these self-styled “ religions” are unbelievers in the necessity for a blood atone­ ment. A bloodless, system is a Satanic system. A bloodless system is a spine­ less system. A bloodless system is a spurious system. A bloodless system is a seductive system. A bloodless system is a shallow system. A bloodless system is a superficial system. A bloodless system is a stupendously fraudulent system, a social system, a specious system. The blood religion is a supernatural religion, demanding the death of Cod. Tbe blood religion is a sacrificial system. It demanded every drop of blood in the veins of God. The blood religion is a separating system, for it is differentiated from all others. It 'is a strengthening system, for it has a bond stronger than the earthly blood tie. It is a satisfying system. Blood believers do not waste time in running around seeking peace, seeking satis­ faction, seeking rest. They have a deep consciousness of the truth—without the shedding of blood' there is no remission—'and having accepted as their Saviour Jesus Christ whose blood was shed for sin, they Mhow that they can never be judged for sin (John 5 :24) and they know that the blood of Jesus Christ eleanseth from all sin. God help us all to be lifting up Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, as the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. —T. C. H. LOOK ING for the Missing Link - A noted traveller—Roy Chapman Andrews—his wife and eight other scientists (?), with $50,000.00 a"year to spend for the next five years, are off on an exploring expedition. Two matters give them concern. One, to find the Garden of Eden, and the other, to obtain a fossilized skeleton of a departed link between a 'monkey and a man. Pekin, China, will be their headquarters. We suppose that it doesn’t matter much to a scientist just where he goes, or what he does, so long as he has an object in his mind’s eye! Of course, this necessary link is a great mystery to the evolution friends. They have been a long time on the search. They have followed every kind of trail, but have always found the tail on the monkey. Now it is possible that while they have been nosing around in Central Asia for this link they have been far afield. Why not look through the seminaries and universities ? Perhaps they could find one there. There are some things emanating from these institutions that suggest half man and

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