THE K I NG ' S BUS I NES S things or th a t with which we pay our debts. There are only two ways of get ting money, a right way and a wrong way. It cap either be earned or stolen. Every way of getting it save by giving a fair equivalent for it is a wrong way. If money is rightly acquired it may be a great blessing. If it is wrongly ob tained it will surely be a curse. The reasons and purposes for which people strive to get money are many and vari ous. They may be expressed in the different mottoes of money-seekers. The vain man’s motto is “Get money and wear it” ; the generous man’s, “Get money and share it,” the miser’s, “Get money and hoard it,” the profligate’s, “ Get money and spend it,” the broker’s, “ Get money and lend it,” the gambler’s, “ Get money and lose it,” the wise man’s. “.Get money and use it.” May we imi tate the wise man’s example and get all the money we cSn honestly and then use it rightly! FRIDAY, April 29. Duke 16:1-12. The A it of Spending Money. It takes more wisdom to spend money than it does to get it. Wesley’s famous rules concerning money were, “Get all you can without hurting your soul, your body or your neighbor. Save all you can, cutting off every needless expense. Give all you can to every worthy object.” Bacon said th a t a fortune is of no use to its owner save to increase his means of giving. Franklin said, “The use of money is all the advantage there is in having it.” What is money good' for? It is not to eat, nor to keep nor to love. It is only good to give in ex change for something else th a t will do ourselves or somebody else some good. There is no greater test of character than, the use of money. On a certain monument in an old cemetery there is this epitaph, “Here lies------ i-----(—who transported a large fortune to Heaven by deeds of kindness and acts of char ity and has now gone thither to enjoy it.” SATURDAY, April 30. Duke 12:16-21. Rich Toward God. “Rich toward God,” describes a.char acter and a mode of life. It is as sug gestive as the phrase “true riches” of Duke 16:11. The Saviour’s attitude to ward riches, Matt. 19:23, is reflected in the Epistles. “Hath not God chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them th a t love Him?” Jas.
393 2:5.. There are many kinds of wealth. One may be poor in purse and rich in character or poor in character and rich in purse. Ruskin said of certain rich men th a t their wealth should be called their “ill-th" because it was not “well” but “ill” with their souls. There is a rating of men on the books of Heaven that has no regard for an earthly Brad- street. Wisdom, truth, love, a good name, a righteous life, these are spir itual assets. “Happy is the man that findeth wisdom and the man th a t get- teth understanding, for the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver and the gain thereof than fine gold.” THE REDEEMER OF MARTYRS “When a mere martyr dies, he is in some real sense a prey to his persecu tors . ■ . . but in no such sense was Jesus personally a victim. True He allowed Himself to be treated as if He were, not God’s holy Son, but as sm itself. ‘He who knew no sin was made sin for ns.’ (2 Cor. 5:21). When Christ ascended the altar He did it deliberately, as the master of th a t altar and all its issues. He was- thus no mere martyr; He was the Redeemer of martyrs and the power which' en ables martyrs. And when He came off that altar, He came with all ¡the ma jesty of free omnipotence, moving straight to His ascension and to- His mediatorial reign.”—Dr. H. C. Mabie.
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