King's Business - 1921-04

tackle.” These conditions are as clear a call as God can give us to .preach the old saving gospel in season and out of season. It is no time for perfumed oratory. About thirty years ago J. Hudson Taylor uttered his famous prophecy that the United States in thirty years would be as needy a mission field as China. Were he alive today he could easily point out the evidence of the tru th of his words in the many anti- Christian “isms” of the hour. “Do you want-to go to hell? Or do you want to go along the straight and narrow path?” asked Judge Landis of Roy Warner, aged 17, charged with cashing a $17 check stolen from the mails. After considering the question of -eternal punishment or eternal joy the youth replied that he would try the narrow road. God give us more Christian judges who are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ or afraid to use the term “hell.” A lot of our young people would never have been criminals had the ministers declared the whole counsel of God. Higher Critics, noticing how the Bible conference movements have drawn the people, are now attempting to duplicate the Bible Conference, conducting it along liberal lines. It is no use to laugh at the idea, for conservatives of Cleve­ land, Ohio recently put on such a con­ ference with big crowds attending. A few weeks later, in the same city, the Federated Churches put on a two weeks conference on “Evangelism.” Among the speakers were Bishop Hughes, rabid opponent of the second coming; Prof. Coe, author o f “The Religion of a Ma­ ture Mind” ; Prof. Kent, who cut the blood- out of the Bible. I t’s the devil’s old method of counterfeiting and un­ doubtedly many good people will be cleverly caught in the trap simply be­ cause some few orthodox men are given place in the programs. Here ye! Hear ' ye! Prof. F. K. Moulton of Chicago University comes to

Dr.-Munhall asks, “How many devils would It require to do as much harm as some fool preachers are doing?” You need’nt feel badly because some­ one has lied about you. Ju st he thank­ ful th a t they didn’t know the truth about you and tell that. , A Washington official claims that most Americans do not function above the necki The Columbia Record re­ plies, “He has certainly failed to ob­ serve some of our girls chewing gum.” Congregational churches of England have dropped the word “obey” from the wedding ceremony. We take it th a t this does not signify any change of habit on the part of the women, but it simply means there will be one less lie told in every ceremony. Evangelist John Brown says, “The cry of the church today is, ‘Ho, every one th a t thirsteth, come ye to the soup kitchen and eat buns and watch Fatty Arbuckle do funny stunts’.” America can take the credit for one thing. It gave the tobacco habit to the world. Insurance companies claim one- third of all fire losses are due to to­ bacco. The slogan of the American To­ bacco Co. is “A cigarette in the mouth of every man, woman and child in China.” In four hundred years this curse has fastened itself upon half the population of the world. While some preachers continue to preach about the golden age th a t has arrived, careful statisticians continue to lay the cold facts before us. The Path­ finder says: “According to census fig­ ures, crime and the prevention of pun­ ishment of crime in the United States for 1920 ran up the gigantic bill of eight billion dollars. This is twice what the government itself costs, even on the war basis. It means that 25 years’ crime would wipe out the total wealth of' the country. Never before have the Criminals been so bold. Nothing is too risky or too horrible for them to

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