MDTA Annual Comprehensive Financial Report 2024

Profile of the MDTA

The MDTA was established in 1971 by the Maryland General Assembly to finance, construct, operate and improve the State’s toll facilities, as well as to finance new revenue-producing transportation projects. The MDTA acts on behalf of, but is separate from, the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT). The MDTA helps support MDOT’s mission to be a customer- driven leader that delivers safe, sustainable, intelligent, and exceptional transportation solutions to connect its customers to life’s opportunities. The MDTA’s nine toll facilities – four bridges, two tunnels, two turnpikes, and one express toll lane (ETL) facility — connect Marylanders and visitors to life’s opportunities. The MDTA is a self-sufficient non-budgeted State agency and traditionally receives no money from the State’s General Fund or the Transportation Trust Fund. The MDTA is financed by toll revenues, and such revenues are reinvested in the operation and maintenance of the toll facilities. The MDTA’s Trust Agreement, between the MDTA and its Trustee, is for the benefit of bondholders and outlines how these funds may be used. For more than 50 years, the MDTA has provided Maryland’s citizens and visitors with safe, secure, reliable, and convenient transportation facilities. The MDTA’s finances are accounted for as a proprietary-type enterprise fund using the accrual basis of accounting, similar to a private business entity. Over four-fifths of the MDTA’s revenues originate from toll revenue and related fees collected at its nine toll facilities. Revenues from all facilities

are pooled together to fund operations, capital projects, and debt service on revenue bonds issued by the MDTA to help fund its capital program. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE The Maryland Transportation Authority Board serves as the policy-setting, decision-making, and governing body responsible for all actions taken by the MDTA. Maryland’s Secretary of Transportation presides as the MDTA’s Chairman. In addition to the Chairman, the Board consists of eight Members, appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Maryland Senate. Per statute, the Board’s composition reflects the racial, gender, and geographic diversity of the State and includes expertise in structural engineering, transportation planning, land use planning, and finance. Each Member serves a four-year term and term expirations are staggered. Board Members are eligible for reappointment to the MDTA, with a limit of three consecutive terms. The day-to-day operations of the MDTA are led by the Executive Director, who is appointed by the Board. The Executive Director is supported by six Chief Officers. The Chief Officers are comprised of the Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Engineer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Law Enforcement Officer, Chief Operating Officer, and the Chief Strategy Officer. The Executive Director and Chief Officers are supported by Division and Office Directors and Managers.

10 | Maryland Transportation Authority | Introductory Section

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