Information Technology: Responsible for the planning, implementation, and support of the MDTA’s computer and electronic information and tolling system infrastructure. Legal: The Maryland Office of the Attorney General assigns staff to provide legal counsel and representation for the MDTA. Partnerships and Tolling Finance: Directs and manages all MDTA public-private partnership agreements, including the concession agreement for the travel plazas and for the MDTA’s responsibilities related to the I-495/I-270 Traffic Relief Plan (i.e., OpLanes); negotiates and executes applicable Trust Agreement(s) and toll service agreements; develops tolling technical provisions and conducts contract administration activities related to tolling during operations and maintenance execution; and represents the MDTA’s interests as part of the E-ZPass Interagency Group for the development of tolling resolutions and business rules for tolling under the E-ZPass umbrella. Planning and Program Development: Develops and continually assesses short- and long-term capital planning activities, develops funding strategies for the capital program, coordinates public outreach activities, and manages the MDTA’s real estate holdings. Police: Responsible for overseeing security services and law enforcement activities at MDTA facilities. The Police also provide law enforcement services at the Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport and at the Port of Baltimore. Since 2012, the Police have held the Tri- Arc Award from the Commission on Law Enforcement Accreditation for having concurrent accreditation for its law enforcement, communications, and training units.
Office of Strategy and Employee Engagement: Responsible for the implementation of the MDTA’s Strategic and Business Plans and the assessment of the MDTA’s internal administrative policies that support its strategic plan. The section is also responsible for ensuring that the MDTA complies with government-required reporting requirements and support and coordinate MDTA initiatives to foster employee engagement, improve performance, and promote innovation and process improvement. Procurement: Responsible for the development, oversight, and administration of all MDTA procure- ments. The section oversees contractual agree- ments related to architectural and engineering, commodity, construction, fleet, information tech- nology, maintenance, small procurement, and other related services. Traffic Management and Technology: Over- sees the MDTA’s asset management, mainte- nance, and inventory system; manages the MDTA’s Operations Center, intelligent transportation systems infrastructure, fleet, and telecommunications and public safety radio systems and equipment; main- tains and monitors the MDTA’s facility security systems; and provides support for MDTA office ren- ovations. Strategy and Employee Engagement: Respon- sible for the implementation of the MDTA’s Strate- gic and Business Plans and the assessment of the MDTA’s internal administrative policies that support its strategic plan. The section is also responsible for ensuring that the MDTA complies with govern- ment-required reporting requirements and support and coordinate MDTA initiatives to foster employee engagement, improve performance, and promote innovation and process improvement.”
12 | Maryland Transportation Authority | Introductory Section
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