Relevant Financial Policies The MDTA may issue revenue bonds backed by its toll revenues. Per Maryland statute, debt outstanding for toll-revenue backed debt is limited to $4.0 billion. All toll-backed debt must comply with the Rate Covenant contained in the Trust Agreement. The Rate Covenant requires the MDTA to fix, revise, charge and collect rentals, rates, fees, tolls and other charges and revenues for the use or services of its facilities to produce in each bond year net revenues in an amount not less than the sum of: (a) 120% of the Debt Service Requirement for outstanding bonds; and (b) 100% of the amount budgeted for deposit to the Maintenance and Operations Reserve Account. Failure to maintain a Rate Covenant of greater than or equal to 1.0 annually would contractually result in the Trustee stepping in and taking control of setting toll rates sufficient to adhere to this requirement. The MDTA’s historical Rate Covenant has shown strong coverage with operating results well above the 1.0 times minimum coverage level. As part of its Additional Bonds Test, prior to issuing any new debt, the MDTA must certify that this Rate Covenant has been met in the 12 consecutive months of the preceding 18-month period. In addition, the MDTA must certify on a prospective basis that the Rate Covenant will be met in the current bond year, and in the fifth complete bond year following the completion date of a bond-financed additional project or project improvement. The MDTA Board has adopted several financial management policies for guidance to address the key aspects of fiscal planning, issuing debt, approving bond sales, conducting bond closings and investment strategies. These policies require the MDTA’s strict adherence to prudent financial management, compliance with the Rate Covenant, the setting of liquidity standards, and debt affordability tests. The policies are reviewed periodically and modified as appropriate. These include Board Policies on Debt Management, Revenue Bonds, Preparation of Financial Forecasts, Investment Management, and Revenue. The Debt Management Board Policy provides an administrative policy goal which presents a higher and more stringent test of adequacy of revenues than the Rate Covenant. Per the Debt Service Coverage Policy, net revenues cannot be less than 2.0 times the Debt Service Requirement of current and
Overhead Lane Use Signals at the Bay Bridge
projected outstanding debt. In addition, to ensure that adequate liquidity is available, the Policy requires that the MDTA maintain a minimum unrestricted cash balance of $400 million The financial investments of the MDTA are substantially controlled by provisions of the Trust Agreement. Investments are purchased in accordance with bond indenture and Investment Policy limitations. As required by the bond indenture, the investment portfolio is managed by MDTA Finance staff with oversight by the Investment and Finance Committees. The Investment Committee consists of the Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer, Director of Finance, and Deputy Directors of Finance as voting members with the Director of Treasury and Debt Management and financial advisors serving as non-voting members. The Finance and Administration Committee is composed of four members of the MDTA Board that review the Investment Policy annually and the investment strategy, practices, and portfolio performance quarterly. The MDTA’s funds are primarily held in trust accounts created under the bond indenture, including various debt service accounts, debt service reserves, a capital account, an operating and maintenance reserve, and a general account. Available funds are conservatively invested in a variety of instruments including money market mutual funds, U.S. Government and Agency debentures, municipal bonds, Tier-1 rated corporate commercial paper, Supranationals, and the Maryland Local Government Investment Pool. Certain accounts are invested on a matched-funding basis, with maturities matched to known or projected spending for debt service and capital accounts. Unrestricted funds and reserves are managed for total return.
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