Detailed Analyses Financial Position
Table 1 is a summarized version of the Statement of Net Position for the years ended June 30, 2024, and 2023. The table reflects the MDTA’s overall change in financial resources and claims on those resources. The majority of the MDTA’s assets consist of cash, investments, intergovernmental financing lease receivables, and capital assets. Liabilities primarily represent accounts payable, accrued liabilities, pensions, and bonds payable.
TABLE 1: NET POSITION (In Thousands) For the Fiscal Years Ended June 30
% Change
Current Assets Noncurrent Assets Capital Assets, Net Total Assets
951,253 854,448
755,409 858,266
195,844 (3,818) 168,200 360,226
25.9% -0.4%
7,547,605 9,353,306
7,379,405 8,993,080
2.3% 4.0%
Deferred Outflow of Resources
Current Liabilities Long-Term Bonds Payable Other Long-Term Liabilities Total Liabilities
439,728 2,574,532 316,339 3,330,599
440,978 2,696,414 288,871 3,426,263
(1,250) (121,882) 27,468 (95,664)
-0.3% -4.5% 9.5% -2.8%
Deferred Inflow of Resources
Net Position Net Investment in Capital Assets Restricted Unrestricted Total Net Position
5,155,046 401,539 503,788 $ 6,060,373
4,892,521 100,061 557,616 $ 5,550,198
262,525 301,478 (53,828) 510,175
5.4% 301.3% -9.7% 9.2%
Current Assets Current assets increased by $195.8 million, or 25.9%, in 2024. The increase was primarily due to the recognition of $350 million in insurance proceeds for the Key Bridge and a $30.9 million increase in intergovernmental receivables that included federal funds for Key Bridge debris removal. These increases were offset by a $207.0 million reduction in restricted cash and cash equivalents, cash and cash equivalents, and investments primarily as a function of capital spending.
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report For Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2024 | 35
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