MDTA Annual Comprehensive Financial Report 2024

Maryland Transportation Authority STATEMENT OF NET POSITION

June 30, 2024 (In Thousands) ASSETS

Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Restricted cash and cash equivalents Investments Accounts receivable, net Insurance Receivable Intergovernmental Inventory

$ 126,817 87,923

129,429 162,250 350,000 61,427 5,456 4,540 576 22,835 951,253

Accrued interest Lease receivables Intergovernmental financing agreement receivable, net Total Current Assets

Noncurrent Assets Restricted cash and cash equivalents Investments Restricted investments Total Restricted Assets

104,218 538,605 4,753 647,576

Capital assets, not being depreciated Capital assets being depreciated, net of accumulated depreciation/amortizaton Total Capital Assets Lease receivable, net of current portion Intergovernmental financing agreement receivable, net Other assets Total Noncurrent Assets


5,365,222 7,547,605

12,356 180,235 14,281 8,402,053

Total Assets


Deferred Outflows of Resources Deferred outflow-pensions Deferred amount on refunding Deferred Outflows of Resources

136,314 16,474 152,788 $ 9,506,094

Total Assets and Deferred Outflow of Resources

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements

44 | Maryland Transportation Authority | Basic Financial Statements

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