MDTA Annual Comprehensive Financial Report 2024

Maryland Transportation Authority STATEMENT OF NET POSITION (CONTINUED)

June 30, 2024 (In Thousands) LIABILITIES AND NET POSITION

Current Liabilities Accounts payable & accrued liabilities Lease liability Intergovernmental payable Unearned revenue Accrued interest Contractor deposits and retainage Accrued annual leave Accrued workers' compensation costs Bonds payable Total Current Liabilities

$ 182,586 115

72,009 67,907 41,430 13,662 935 2,509 58,575 439,728

Noncurrent Liabilities Lease liability, net of current portion

1,217 8,170

Contractor retainage, net of current portion Accrued annual leave, net of current portion Accrued workers' compensation costs, net of current portion Bonds payable, net of current portion Net pension liability Total Noncurrent Liabilities

15,361 14,220 2,574,532 277,371 2,890,871

Total Liabilities


Deferred Inflow of Resources Deferred inflow-leases Deferred gain on refunding Deferred service concessions Deferred inflow-pensions Deferred Inflow of Resources Net Position Net investment in capital assets Restricted for: Debt service Capital expenses Unrestricted Total Net Position

12,058 1,323 39,075 62,666 115,122


76,538 325,001 503,788 $ 6,060,373

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report For Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2024 | 45

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