Passenger Facility Charge Revenue Bonds BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport, Series 2012A During the year ended June 30, 2012, the MDTA issued $50,905 of BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport (Qualified Airport Bonds – AMT) 2012A Bonds to finance a portion of the costs of certain projects (Airport Facilities Projects) located at BWI Marshall Airport. The bonds are secured equally and ratably by PFC collections on a parity basis with the other outstanding PFC Revenue Bonds. The following summarizes the bonds payable maturities and sinking fund requirements, excluding unamortized premium, for the year ended June 30, 2024:
Principal Year Ended June 30, 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030-2033 Total Passenger Facility Charge Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A $ 2,690 2,820 2,965 3, 110 3,265 10,810 $ 25,660
1,151 1,017
$ 3,841 3,837 3,841 3,838 3,837 11,712 $ 30,906
876 728 572 902
Passenger Facility Charge Revenue Bonds BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport, Series 2012B During the year ended June 30, 2013, the MDTA issued $92,070 of BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport (Qualified Airport Bonds – AMT) Series 2012B Bonds to finance a portion of the costs of certain projects (Airport Facilities Projects) located at BWI Marshall Airport. The bonds are secured equally and ratably by PFC collections on a parity basis with the other outstanding PFC Revenue Bonds. The following summarizes the bonds payable maturities and sinking fund requirements, excluding unamortized premium, for the year ended June 30, 2024:
Principal Year Ended June 30, 2025 2026 2027 Total Passenger Facility Charge Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B $ 7,390 7,575 7,765 $ 22,730
Interest $ 578 393 204 $ 1,175
$ 7,968 7,968 7,969 $ 23,905
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report For Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2024 | 63
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