MDTA Annual Comprehensive Financial Report 2024


Passenger Facility Charge Revenue Bonds BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport, Series 2014 During the year ended June 30, 2015, the MDTA issued $40,000 of BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport (Qualified Airport Bonds – AMT) Series 2014 Bonds to finance a portion of the costs of certain projects (Airport Facilities Projects) located at BWI Marshall Airport. The bonds are secured equally and ratably by PFC collections on a parity basis with the other outstanding PFC Bonds. The following summarizes the bonds payable maturities and sinking fund requirements, excluding unamortized premium, for the year ended June 30, 2024:

Principal Year Ended June 30, 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030-2034 Total Passenger Facility Charge Revenue Bonds, Series 2014 $ 2,080 2,145 2,215 2,285 2,365 13,180 24,270 $

Interest $ 875 810 740 668 588 1,590 $ 5,272


$ 2,955 2,955 2,955 2,953 2,953 14,770 $ 29,542

64 | Maryland Transportation Authority | Notes to the Financial Statements ($ in thousands)

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