The $35,057 reported as deferred outflows of resources is MDTA’s pension contributions subsequent to the System’s measurement date. This amount will be expensed for the fiscal year ended June 2025. Actuarial Assumptions Actuarial assumptions, long-term expected rate of return on pension plan investments, discount rate, and pension plan fiduciary net position are available in the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the Maryland State Retirement and Pension System, which can be obtained from the Maryland State Retirement Agency website at Sensitivity of the MDTA’s Net Pension Liability The net pension liability sensitivity to changes in the single discount rate is as follows: a 1% decrease to 5.80% would be $13,163,272 and a 1% increase to 7.80% would be $6,352,447.
72 | Maryland Transportation Authority | Notes to the Financial Statements ($ in thousands)
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