New Agent Starter Kit [FFL]

Email #2

Subject line:

Make sure that you have right amount of coverage for your familyʼs needs

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Get instant, affordable life insurance up to $2M with Ethos

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Hi [FirstName],

I wanted to follow up again regarding your current life insurance coverage. While every family is unique, a general industry rule of thumb says you should have coverage equal to 10x your combined annual salary. Why so high? Because life is expensive. In fact, 44% of American families would experience financial hardship within six months of the death of the family breadwinner.1

Able to sell the pain of not having life insurance

With life insurance, it doesnʼt have to be that way. Join the ranks of American families who can go to bed at night with peace of mind, knowing theyʼre protected financially if something goes wrong.

To get your family the protection that you need, I recommend using Ethos. Hereʼs a little more about their solution:

• They offer a 100% online application. That means no medical exams, blood draws, or intrusive home visits, just a few health questions. • They approve most people instantly, even with health conditions. If you like what you see, you can activate your policy and be covered immediately. • They only work with trusted, top-rated insurance companies, so you can feel confident youʼve made the right choice.

You can schedule some time to go over your options at [Insert appointment link or phone number] or use this link to get a free quote and apply now: [Insert Your Ethos Personalized Link Here]

Get this important item checked off your list!



1 2021 Insurance Barometer Study, Life Happens and LIMRA


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