faut tout faire pour accélérer ce mouvement. Il faut moderniser les flottes puis tout le maté- riel de piste des aéroports, qui devrait passer à l’électrique. Enfin, il faut être à l’écoute des clients et savoir se remettre en question ! Rendez-vous l’an prochain à Malte, où se déroulera le World Connect d’APG, afin de voir comment les compagnies aériennes auront su se renouveller face à ces nouveaux défis ! The return of the major annual meeting of the airline industry, organised by Air Promotion Group (APG) World Connect, provi- ded an opportunity to share market trends and to discuss the recovery in activity, which is more or less timid depending on the region of the world. The Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort provided an opportunity for delegates to meet in the chic, classy, professional and constructi- ve, warm and relaxed atmosphere that is the signature of World Connect. Everyone was happy to meet again, sometimes after a flight delay due to air traffic, "something delicious to hear, for the first time in my life", according to John Melchior, President of Travel Group Consulting and Master of Ceremonies of the World Connect. Indeed, it was recovery that everyone wanted to talk about... the post-pan- demic recovery. Sir Tim Clark, Chairman of Emirates: "I have never believed in a post-pandemic world without air travel. Last year, when we were facing the most serious crisis since the last world war, there was never a moment when I doubted that people would want to get back on planes as soon as possible. Air travel is get- ting better and better, it's growing steadily and it will come back quickly." Nick Calio, President of Airlines for America (A4A) welcomed the reopening of international flights and "a strong recovery in the domestic market, faster than forecasts suggested and expected to return to normal by 2022, even if business travel is slow to pick up." For Alex Cruz, former Chairman of British Airways, leisure travel is coming back strongly: "In every crisis, financial in particular, leisure traffic always comes back first... even if we can
Page 36 : A 350-900, Air Caraïbes. Page 37, from top to bottom, from left to right : Yves Renard, Tim Clark, Nick Calio (photo : Jean-Emmanuel Hay). A380, First Cabin (photo : British Airways).
Alex Cruz, Former Chairman and CEO, British Airways ; Yves Renard, Head of Market Intelligence & Consulting, Airbus ; Tim Clark President, Emirates ; Nick Calio, CEO and President, A4A ; Marc Rochet, President and CEO, Aerogestion/French Bee (photo : Jean-Emmanuel Hay) Page 38 : Marc Rochet.
~C L A S S & R E L A X L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E - 2021 ~
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