


CR energy plan report GREGGCHAMBERLAIN

CLARENCE CREEK | Getting more power and using less energy is one of the future goals for the City of Clarence-Rockland. One of the last pieces of business for council members to review before their summer break was a consultants’ report on an Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan for the city. The report and plan may also be one of the "rst items council members want to consider when they return in August to resume planning and discussion meetings before the start of the October municipal election o!cial campaign period. Alex Tiessen and Chris Pulfer of the Poste- rity Group of consulting engineers. During his opening remarks, Tiessen noted that provincial government regulations now require all Ontario municipalities to have

POUPART / RUSSO Gérald Poupart, né le 10 juin 1947, est le fils d’Élie Poupart de Sarsfield, et de Cécile Bougie de Montréal. Gérald est le septième d’une famille de dix enfants. Diplômé de l’école secondaire «Rockland High School», il poursuit ses études au collège agricole de Kemptville, Ontario. Donna Russo, née le 3 mai 1951, est la fille de William Russo de Montréal et de Cynthia Holmes également de Montréal. Donna est secrétaire médicale aux hôpitaux Saint-Vincent, CHEO et cliniques médicales de Rockland. Le 14 octobre 1972, Gérald et Donna célèbrent leur mariage en l’église de la Très-Sainte-Trinité de Rockland. Le Père Maurice Gervais, m.s.a., cousin du marié, préside la cérémonie nuptiale. Les jeunes époux font l’acquisition de la ferme laitière familiale où ils s’établissent et fondent une famille. De leur union naissent trois fils : l’aîné Jean-Marc , leur fils adoptif, né le 6 avril 1979, Nicholas né le 30 avril 1980 et Daniel né le 8 mars 1983. Donna et Gérald sont les fiers grands-parents de Liam né le 27 août 2010 et de Meia née le 7 février 2013.

energy draw for all municipal facilities, street lighting system, and the water and sewage services at that time was 5.6 million kilowatt-hours of electricity, 178,000 cubic metres of natural gas, and about 6600 litres of fuel oil. The amount of greenhouse gas emissions for Clarence-Rockland then total- led about 800,000 kilograms. Thus a new energy management plan, also taking into account the past two years of retro"ts, will seek to reduce the munici- pality’s energy consumption and thus also its greenhouse gas emission rate while still maintaining existing services for residents. The plan has a short-term target of four per cent reduction by 2019 in facility ener- gy use compared to the 2012 baseline. The long-term goal is six per reduction by 2024 compared to the 2012 baseline. Ways to achieve both the short- and the long-term goals include looking into the feasibility of LED street lighting in place of the existing sodium lights, continuing with heating fuel switchovers at key facilities, and training programs for building opera-

a "ve-year corporate energy management plan. He noted that the Posterity Group’s analysis has tried to give Clarence-Rockland sta# and o!cials as much leeway as pos- sible to meet both the city’s needs and the provincial standards for energy use. “These are very conservative targets,”Ties- sen said, regarding the plan goals. “We’re trying to give the city the most %exibility possible to reach its targets.” The report noted that the city has already overhauled several facilities to reduce ener- gy consumption and improve e!ciency. That includes the 2002 retro"t of the ice plant, lighting, and heating/ventilation/air conditioning controls for one of the are- nas, last year’s wastewater treatment plant retro"t which featured installation of high- e!ciency motors and other improvements, and this year’s changeover from oil to natu- ral gas heating at the Bourget Community Centre and the city museum building. Right now, not including the re"ts at the wastewater plant, Bourget community centre and the museum, the city’s energy use baseline was calculated using its 2012 consumption "gures. The combined total

Après plusieurs années, Gérald vend les vaches laitières et le quota pour s’adonner à la grande culture (culture des fèves soya et du blé d’automne). Il travaille également pour l’assurance récolte «Agricorp». Après 22 ans dans le domaine, Gérald prend une retraite bien méritée. Cependant, il est très actif en paroisse. Pendant deux termes consécutifs, il est président du CAT (conseil des affaires temporelles) et aussi ministre de communion. Donna est organiste en paroisse depuis 1982. Son amour de la musique et ses talents de musicienne quasi magiques rehaussent les célébrations si variées soient-elles. Bravo! Félicitations et merci Donna et Gérald pour votre implication paroissiale et votre témoignage de vie foncièrement chrétienne. FAMILLES DALRYMPLE Le dimanche 10 août, rassemblement de la famille Dalrymple. Il y aura une brève présentation quelques minutes avant la messe de 10 heures.

tors in more e!cient energy management practices. The plan demands the city commit to an energy audit of four core facilities: the Clarence Creek Arena, the Rockland Arena, Rockland City Hall building, and the in- frastructure and engineering and council chambers facility. Council has referred the report for advi- sory committee review and recommenda- tions.

Normand Excavation Inc. won the city contract for phase three of the Bourget Ditch Re-pro"ling project for this year. Ditch work approvals

The company’s bid, including enginee- ring and surveying fees, was $138,772.20. That leaves the city with a surplus of $26,227.80 in the works budget allotment for the project. Council approved a recommendation that the surplus funds go towards targeted cleanup of problem ditches throughout Clarence-Rockland.

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