Biola Broadcaster - 1968-03

O NE of the greatest questions of life is asked pointedly from Scripture, “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation (Heb. 2:3?” This salvation is term ed “great” because of what it involves. It necessitated the planning and pro­ vision of the infinite Godhead. It called for a display of divine love and mercy, sending Jesus Christ from the highest glory of heaven to the deepest grief of earth. It is great, too, because of what it accomplishes. Those who are dead in trespasses and sins are made spir­ itually alive. Those who are outcast sinners are received into the eternal family of God. The Just died for the unjust that He might redeem us to God. Think of the distance, the dif­ ference, the deception, the disinterest and the danger which are involved. The distance between God and man had to be removed. Believers are made nigh by the blood of Christ. The difference must be changed ; thus Jesus died that we might be recon­ ciled to God. The deception must be dissipated, thus if the Son of God shall make you free, you shall be free indeed. The disinterest must be reversed, thus old things pass away; behold all things are made new. The danger must be relieved, thus there is therefore now no condemnation for them who are in Christ Jesus. The beloved apostle John, in his im­ mortal explanation of the purpose of the Holy Scriptures, forcefully af­ firmed that the Bible was written that we might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing we might have life through His name. Think of the necessity of this sal­ vation. Man is hopeless and helpless 10

apart from the Saviour. If men could save themselves and have assurance of eternal bliss, the Lord Jesus Christ would never have died so ig- nominiously on Calvary’s cross. But He did die. The salvation provided at so incalculable a cost is absolutely necessary in order for man to gain heaven and escape hell. It is urgent that everyone move without delay to receive God’s free gift. No one can appropriate divine redemption for us. It is entirely an individual mat­ ter. God is not running governments, operating commerce, industry and finance. He is calling out a people for His name. God has made salva­ tion available to all. It is simple enough for a child to grasp, yet suf­ ficiently profound to stagger the keenest intellect. The universality of redemption and its availability are beautifully sug­ gested by an all-inclusive invitation. God is not willing that any should perish. It is lamentable that man, in all of his need, helplessness and hopelessness, continues to re je c t God’s divine love. Salvation is avail­ able through the Word of God. It speaks for itself. It stands where other books fall. It shines through the darkest prison walls and glows through the densest clouds. It is the key to man’s destiny and the basis of all enduring hope. In His Word, God tells His story of love for you d!nd me. The Lord’s gift is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. It is purely a gift. It can be neither purchased nor earned. We are re­ deemed not with gold and silver, but with the precious blood of Christ. Think of the patience and longsuf- fering of the Lord! While His free offer is treated with insulting silence

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