Biola Broadcaster - 1968-03

find spiritual refreshment. “For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ unto God, [discernible alike] among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing” (II Cor. 2:15 ANT).

plained, “Why, don’t you know? It has to be placed crooked so that the tower will look straight?” What an illustra­ tion of secular society’s philosophy and the so called “new morality”! There are those who seek to hang God’s laws on a slant in order to accommodate the sinfulness of man. What folly for we must make sure that our lives square up to His truth and principle, regard­ less of what the picture ' of our sinful hearts may be. As Christians, we are exhorted to be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom we are to shine as lights in the world, holding forth the Word of Life! MAKING A NAME In surveys made with young people today, when asked what they felt to be the most important thing in life, the answer most frequently came back, “To get ahead!” Legend tells of two broth­ ers, Ahmad and Omar, who lived in the Near East. Both wanted to be re­ membered. Omar, fancying himself a true artist, carved a great obelisk. Many strange inscriptions and designs were sculptured up its sides. Then, la­ boriously, he had it set where, because of its massiveness, it could withstand the sandy blasts. Ahmad, with deeper wisdom and truer thought, dug a well nearby, thinking that perhaps in the b a r r e n wasteland thirsty pilgrims might be refreshed for their journeys. You know, these two achievements reveal both ways men may live. It all depends on their choice and goal. Pride may cause one to desire worldly success and fame, living but only to make a name. Years may be spent in the activi­ ties leading to this goal, like the tall sculptured obelisk, cold and useless to the world, or, through the indwelling presence of God’s Holy Spirit, we may make our lives wells in the desert. Jesus Christ is indeed the water of life, but our lives are the vessels from which others, weary and faint may 22 Faith makes the uplook good, the out­ look bright, and the future glorious.

If you are green with envy, you'll prob­ ably soon be ripe for trouble.

GIVE OF YOURSELF Most of us are probably unaware of the many interesting experiments con­ ducted every day by manufacturing and scientific laboratories. Here are men dedicated to the purpose of mak­ ing our lives more enjoyable and com­ fortable. Have you heard of the hor­ ticultural firm which dried two hun­ dred pounds of earth in a special oven? This was put into a large container in which they planted a willow tree weigh­ ing another five hundred pounds. The root area was covered with a perfor­ ated metal plate to keep all of the particles of dirt. This was then faith­ fully watered and tended for five years. A fter that time, when weighed, it was discovered that the tree had gained one hundred and sixty-nine pounds. The earth, however, had lost only two ounces, practically nothing at all. There are men and women, boys and girls, who need watering and tending spir­ itually for God. As we do so, we are none the worse. We never lose when we stoop to help another. H e a r ts are parched for the water of life with which the Lord has filled our vessels. From the unsdom of the book of Prov­ erbs we read the wise comment, “There is that scattereth and yet increaseth, and there is that witholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty.”

Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible, and receives the impossible.

“GIGO” We are living in the cybernetic age, or the generation of the computer.

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