Biola Broadcaster - 1968-03

Nearly every organization is involved in some manner. With rising costs auto­ mation is essential in order to he more efficient and economical. Specialists in the field seem to have a language all their own, like the term gigo used by programmers. That’s their abbreviation for “garbage in, garbage out.” In the technical slang jargon they have de­ vised, it stands for what happens when someone feeds the wrong information into the computer. A fter all, man is human. So as the mechanical monster grinds out misleading information, the operators say “gigo.” Someone put “garbage” into it so it simply results in that coming out. It may be somewhat far-fetched, but modem computers are much like the heart of a child. Are we, as parents, faithful in feeding into their impres­ sionable minds those truths which are able to make them wise unto salvation? Have we sought at every turn and juncture to build them up in the nur­ ture and admonition of the Lord? I f they hear and see us do certain things, then it shouldn’t amaze us when they turn out the way they do. A child often mirrors the thoughts, as well as the deeds, of the parent. May God help us to be faithful as we seek to pro­ claim the truth of His Word right in our own homes. “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” RENEWAL How would you like to have 10 or 20 years rolled off your life? In the Bible, the Psalmist gives praise to the Lord for having his youth renewed as the eagle’s. That’s a fa s c in a tin g thought. Naturalists tell us that an eagle has a life span very similar to that of human beings, namely, some­ where around 70 years. In old age, the eagle begins to grow an extra beak over his original one which makes it hard for the winged creature to grind and digest its food. By instinct, when this extra growth has ripened, .the The world does not doubt Christianity as much as it does some Christians.

eagle will use the abrasion of a rock, rubbing the beak back and forth until the harder shell falls away. (Don’t we men wish it were that easy to be rid of the “spare tire” around the middle? Rubbing it on a rock wouldn’t help much.) Spiritually speaking, the only way for a Christian to renew his youth is to go to the Rock, Christ Jesus, the Lord, asking the Saviour for the prom­ ised power of the Holy Spirit to break off the old self-life, the sins which harden our conscience. Only then can we again enjoy the sweetness of daily communion and the nourishment of God’s Word, which alorne can bring strength to our hearts. SUPREME LOVE How far would you be willing to go for one whom you love? History records the interesting story of the daughter of a Roman ruler who stedfastly re­ fused the attention of any eligible young men seeking her hand. She stat­ ed as her simple reason: “No one shall win my heart until first of all he gives me proof of his willingness to die for me.” Her parents despaired of their daughter’s future. Then, one day, in the streets of Rome, she heard an out­ cast Christian testifying for his Lord. His commanding words gripped her attention, although she knew he was despised for his beliefs. As she heard the story of Christ’s crucifixion afresh, the Holy Spirit began to work within her. Then, all Of a sudden, in amaze­ ment and wonder, she excla im ed , “That’s it! Here’s the One who died for me! To Him alone my heart’s love shall ever be devoted.” She was true to her word, although it meant personal persecution and ostracism. What does the Lord’s atonement do to you? What effect will it have on your life today? The empty cross and the empty tomb represent full salvation for those who, by faith, trust the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, remembering that He was rich, yet for our sakes He became poor that we, through His poverty, might be rich! 23 The best way to preserve life is to stay out of jams.

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