Biola Broadcaster - 1968-03

reminds of us the dangers of pride, spiritually speaking. Indeed it does go before destruction, as well as a haughty spirit before a fall. There’s no room in our lives for foolish pride. May God help us to strike it dead before it brings us a breaking of blessed fellowship with the Saviour!

PRIDE "Father, where shall I work today?" And my love flowed warm and free. Then He pointed me out a tiny spot And said, "Tend that for Me." I answered quickly, "Oh, no, not there; Why, no one would ever see, No matter how well my work was done; Not that little place for me!" And the word He spoke, it was not stern; He answered me tenderly, "Ah, little one, search that heart of thine. Art thou working for them or Me? "Nazareth was a little place, And so was Galilee." PERILS OF PRIDE Over the years, many have been the brave adventurers who have sought to scale the world-famous Matterhorn in Switzerland. Six people recently lost their lives in a fatal attempt. One alone from the party escaped to report that while everything had gone well on the ascent, their problems stemmed from a delay in returning to the base camp. The scene from the summit was evi­ dently too magnificent. Disregarding the warnings of their guides, the ex­ plorers insisted upon one more time to rest so they might enjoy the view. Warmed by the rays of the sun, how­ ever, the snow had become soft. Proud of their remarkable achievements, the climbers boastfully declared that they would take the risks. When the down­ ward trek finally began, the snow was so soft that the journey quickly be­ came fatiguing. Halfway down, the paralyzing cry of “Avalanche!”gripped their hearts. In little more than 60 seconds the mass was wpon them and they were buried beneath tons of ice and snow. It was really pride of ac­ complishment which brought them to this tragic and terrible end. Scripture 24 One of the troubles of our age is that mere human signposts don't lead to any real eternal destination.

How tragic it is that men are finding out in this affluent society that without Christ there is plenty to live on, but not much to live for.

HITHERTO When our soul is much discouraged By the roughness of the way, And the cross we have to carry Seems heavier each day. When some cloud that overshadows Hides our Father's face from view, Oh, it is well then to remember, He hath blessed us hitherto. Looking back the long years over, What a varied path— and yet All the way His hand hath led us Past each hindrance we have met, Given to us the pleasant places, Cheered us all the journey through; Passing through the deepest waters, He hath blessed us hitherto. Surely then our souls should trust Him, Though the clouds be dark o'er- head; We've a friend that draweth closer When our other friends have fled. When our pilgrimage is over, And the gates we're sweeping through. We shall see with clearer vision How He's blessed us hitherto. Hitherto! Oh, blessed thought, In spite of all our fears God's hand hath led His Spirit-taught Through all the changing years. In darkest hours, when heart hath bled Beneath some crushing blow, To springs of comfort we've been led, Love's healing power to know.

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