San Diego Health - Spring 2024



CRIPPS RECOGNIZED LONGTIME SUPPORTER Sharon Dunn by renaming the breast care center at Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla in her honor. Dunn was honored at a reception in December for her generosity and at the 30th annual Spino ff in July. Th e philanthropist and her late husband, Charles “Skeets” Dunn, were prominent benefactors of cancer care at Scripps. Th e Dunn Breast Care Center, on the ground fl oor of the XiMED building, o ff ers a full range of breast cancer services, including mammograms, ultrasounds and molecular breast imaging, in a comforting, spa-like environment. “We are deeply grateful for the generous support of Sharon Dunn, and are proud to have her name attached to our dedicated breast care center. Dunn Breast Care Center provides patients with the most advanced breast imaging technology and physician expertise to support early detection and treatment of breast cancer,” says Mary Wilde, MD, breast surgeon, Scripps Clinic. “ Th e earlier breast cancer is detected, the greater likelihood of successful treatment. Sharon’s generosity will impact and improve thousands of patients’ lives.” Th ough the name may be new, the breast care center has been known for decades for its unique and comfortable environment, its dedicated physicians and specialists and the exceptional care it provides. Th e Dunn Breast Care Center is also the fi rst in San Diego to o ff er personalized, compassionate breast care in one convenient location, plus extras to make patients more comfortable, such as chair massages, robes and gourmet co ff ee and teas. Honoring a Champion for Women’s Health S

 SCRIPPS STAYS ON THE FOREFRONT of medicine thanks in part to generous donors like Fred and Lynda Allen. Th e longtime Scripps patients chose to express their gratitude through a gi ft to the Here for Good Campaign to fund a new, state-of-the-art TrueBeam Linear Accelerator at Scripps Cancer Center, John J. Hopkins, in Torrey Pines. “We are truly grateful to the physicians at Scripps Health who have provided such exceptional care to us over the years,” says Fred. “It means even more to us that our legacy gi ft helped provide the leading-edge equipment they so deserve.” Th e linear accelerator funded by the Allen’s donation, the fourth at the John J. Hopkins location, provides pinpoint accuracy for radiation treatments—down to less than a millimeter—and even takes into account a patient’s breathing pattern to accommodate for movement of the tumor. Th e highly localized radiation reduces treatment time and can be customized to treat many di ff erent cancers. “We are truly grateful for the generous philanthropic support we received for the fourth TrueBeam Linear Accelerator here at our Scripps Cancer Center’s Torrey Pines location,” says Ray Lin, MD, medical director, radiation oncology, and radiation oncologist, Scripps Clinic. “To be able to treat our patients with state-of-the-art technology means we can provide the best possible care and give our patients both peace of mind and better treatment outcomes.” Investing in Scripps means investing in the health of the community. Philanthropy is essential to innovation in health care. To learn more about ways to support Scripps Cancer Center, visit SDSupportCancerCare . Accelerating Medicine Grateful patients fund critical cancer care treatment

Sharon Dunn (left), pictured with Mary Wilde, MD, Scripps Clinic, was honored at a reception for the renaming of the Dunn Breast Care Center on the campus of Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla. RIGHT: Ray Lin, MD, Scripps Clinic, with the fourth linear accelerator at Scripps Cancer Center, John J. Hopkins location, made possible through philanthropy.


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