October 2023


had set up displays where you could donate money for a cause. I thought, ‘How cool would that be?’ As we stood outside last year, people would comment about how they felt like they should give us some money towards everything. But that’s not why we do it,” Jon explained. “But to use it as a way to raise money for a local charity? We liked that, and if all these cars and people do just a little bit, that could be kind of a big thing. It’s a goofy thing that we’re going to do anyway, but to give it a purpose is pretty cool.” Through their boundless creativity, unwavering dedication, and some help from their kids, the Quinns and the Stokes transform their quiet corner into a captivating Halloween display. It’s proof that shared passion and collaboration can make a difference. As they continue to weave their Halloween magic, come by, and experience it firsthand! And, if you can, contribute to their charitable cause. It’s a bewitching blend of whimsy and goodwill that builds community, and it is sure to put you in the mood for Halloween.



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